Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 29, 2009

Freemasonry Bukanlah Sebuah Wacana Baru di Indonesia

Membaca judul artikel diatas mungkin pembaca akan sedikit mengerenyitkan kening. Anda tak sepenuhnya salah kalau bereaksi seperti itu, Freemasonry memang jarang kita dengar, dan jangan pernah berharap untuk membaca berita tentang Freemasonry di harian Nasional, selevel KOMPAS, SINDO, SUARA MERDEKA, MEDIA INDONESIA, JAWA POST, atau yang lainnya, apalagi kalo anda berniat mencarinya di tayangan infotainment yang kebanyakan berisi kawin cerai atau perselingkuhan saja. Namun saya tidak sedang bercanda, Freemasonry memang bukanlah satu isu baru, kecuali kalo anda memang tidak tertarik dengan masalah-masalah yang sebenarnya “sangat mendasar” seperti ini.

Lalu apa buktinya kalo Freemasonry memang bukan isu baru? Salah satu buktinya yaitu dari buku-buku yang sudah terbit dalam bahasa Indonesia mengenai secret society yang satu ini. Buku-buku tersebut diantaranya:

sorotan-terhadap-freemasonry21. SOROTAN TERHADAP FREE MASONRY: ORGANISASI RAHASIA YAHUDI, yang disusun oleh LPPA Muhammadiyah Jakarta dan cetakan pertamanya sudah terbit tahun 1979 (punya saya sendiri cetakan kedua terbitan tahun 1980). Buku ini – sejauh yang saya tahu – merupakan buku paling tua di Indonesia mengenai Freemasonry, yang sudah lumayan rapi sistematika penulisannya. Buku ini sudah saya bikin edisi digitalnya (dalam format PDF), dan semoga bisa segera tersedia untuk didownload secepatnya, karena sungguh sangat sulit mendapatkannya. Saya sendiri mendapatkannya dari sebuah stand buku tua di Shopping Book Centre Jogjakarta, dengan harga 7.000 rupiah lucky me).

2. FREEMASONRY DI ASIA TENGGARA, yang dibikin oleh Abdullah Patani. Tidak saya ketahui tahun terbitnya, dan sedang dalam proses digitalisasi. Buku yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, Melayu, Arab, Thai, dan Tagalog ini sangat ringkas, namun cukup lumayan untuk dibaca. Buku ini memuat khoms kanon Yahudi yang dibandingkan dengan Pancasila, maupun dasar-dasar negara Asia lainnya. Sistematikanya kurang bagus, namun muatannya sangat luas.

1222923. FREEMASONRY IN INDONESIA FROM RADERMACHER TO SOEKANTO, 1762-1961, sebuah paper tipis karya Paul W van der Veur terbitan Ohio University Center for International Studies tahun 1976. Paper ringkas ini tidak terlalu banyak membicarakan teori-teori tentang Freemasonry, namun lebih banyak berbicara tentang statistik yang termuat dalam beberapa tabel. Sudah saya digitalkan, semoga bisa segera available. Sangat sulit mendapatkan buku ini, namun kalo anda tinggal di Jogjakarta, anda bisa mengopy-nya dari perpustakaan Universitas Sanatha Darma (USD) Jogjakarta.

tarekat-mason-recommended14. TAREKAT MASON BEBAS DAN KEHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT DI HINDIA BELANDA DAN INDONESIA 1764-1962, karya Th Stevens. Buku yang terbit dalam tiga bahasa, Indonesia, Inggris dan Belanda ini buku yang sangat susah didapatkan. Menjadi rujukan pertama paling komprehensif kalo ingin berbicara tentang keberadaan dan peran Freemasonry di Indonesia (rujukan keduanya yaitu paper FREEMASONRY IN INDONESIA sebelumnya). Awalnya dicetak untuk dibagikan kepada anggota Tarekat Mason Bebas sendiri, setelah itu semua sisanya diboyong ke Belanda, entah untuk apa. Saya mendapatkan buku sebanyak 3 kali (satu saya kasih ke pak Adian Husaini, dan satunya sedang berusaha saya kasih ke pak Adnin Armas), dalam 3 kesempatan yang berbeda, dan dengan harga yang berbeda pula, dari 30.000 ribu rupiah sampai 70.000 rupiah. Saya masih belum tahu apakah buku yang edisi Indonesianya terbit tahun 1994 ini akan didigitalkan, karena saya yakin akan terbentur masalah copyright.

safwat-habib-mason15. GERAKAN FREEMASONRY (AL MASUNIYAH), karya Muhammad Shafwat as-Saqa Amini dan Sa’di Abu Habib. Buku yang diterbitkan oleh Rabithah Alam Islamy ini lumayan komprehensif juga, karena menceritakan masalah Freemasonry di berbagai negara, dan merupakan buku klasik yang sistematikanya lumayan bagus dibanding buku-buku sejenis karya ulama timur tengah lainnya. Sedang dalam proses digitalisasi dan semoga bisa cepat available to download. Ingin tahu komentar kedua penulis ini tentang Protocol of Zion? Mereka tidak menggunakannya sebagai rujukan untuk menjelaskan kejahatan Yahudi, namun bukan karena mereka setuju bahwa the Protocols merupakan satu produk pemalsuan, melainkan karena mereka sadar bahwa the Protocols sudah habis masa berlakunya, SEMUA PROGRAM DALAM PROTOCOLS SUDAH TERLAKSANA.

fahim-amin-mason-rotary6. RAHASIA GERAKAN FREEMASONRY DAN ROTARY CLUB, karya seorang ulama Mesir Muhammad Fahim Amin. Buku ini terbagi menjadi dua topik besar, yaitu Gerakan Freemasonry dan Rotary Club. Edisi Indonesia buku ini diterbitkan oleh Pustaka al-Kautsar, namun sekarang sudah sangat sulit mendapatkannya. Karena itu saya sedang dalam proses membujuk Pustaka al-Kautsar untuk menerbitkannya lagi, atau mendigitalkan buku ini, supaya mendapat pangsa pembaca yang lebih luas lagi. Orang Indonesia perlu membaca buku ini, karena Rotary Club dan Lions Club sudah masuk secara “legal” ke Indonesia, meskipun pernah dilarang dengan salah satu PP (saya lupa no berapa dan tahun berapa).

6 buku itu cukup menjadi satu bukti kalo ternyata para pendahulu kita merupakan orang-orang yang sangat cerdas dan sangat nasionalis, karena sudah menulis atau menerjemahkan untuk memperingatkan kita betapa berbahayanya Freemasonry dan gerakan sejenis lainnya, disaat orang lain masih banyak yang tidak tahu, bahwa konspirasi Freemasonry dan gerakan lain lah yang membuat negara ini berantakan. Buku-buku yang lain yang beredar baru-baru ini belum saya singgung karena tidak sesuai dengan judul. Beberapa kejadian seperti Pemberontakan PKI di Madiun tahun 1948, ditengarai merupakan hasil konspirasi Illuminati, yang bisa dikatakan sebagai salah satu turunan Freemasonry yang lebih radikal dan garis keras.

Tak pernah kita diajarkan oleh buku sejarah SD-SMA kita bahwa Komunisme dan Kapitalisme sama-sama dirancang oleh satu kekuatan tersembunyi bernama Freemasonry dan Illuminati, melalui dua pihak yang berbeda, dan memang diadu supaya terjadi konflik yang abadi, supaya kita tak sempat berpikir mengenai siapa dalang di balik kerusakan dunia ini (deep understanding), melainkan supaya hanya memikirkan efek dari konflik tersebut saja (surface understanding), padahal, tanpa tahu siapa yang bikin masalah akan sangat sulit untuk memecahkan masalah. Seperti artikel saya yang pertama dulu, KURIKULUM SEJARAH PERLU SEGERA DIUBAH.

6 buku diatas hanyalah sebagian kecil buku klasik (dibawah tahun 2000 dalam konteks ini) sejauh yang saya tahu dan saya miliki saja, sekiranya kurang lengkap dan ada yang terlewat, silakan anda tambahkan melalui comment anda. Perlu diingat, bahwa saya tak akan pernah menjawab pertanyaan apakah Freemasonry benar-benar ada di Indonesia, karena perdebatan seperti itu adalah perdebatan yang menghabiskan waktu dan sia-sia saja. Buku no 2, 3, dan 4 diatas sudah cukup menjadi bukti yang kuat bahwa mereka betul-betul ada, bahkan sejak tahun 1700an, padahal Freemasonry modern baru muncul tahun 1717, dan Illuminati modern muncul tahun 1776, dan bukan tak mungkin bahwa Freemasonry yang di Indonesia tersebut merupakan Freemasonry angkatan pertama. Wallohu a’lam bisshowab.

Penulis : Agung Prabowo

Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 28, 2009

Zionist Jews- Godfathers Of Terrorism

Palestine, the land of Palestinians, is located in the heart of the Middle East and Jerusalem where Masjid Al Aqsa, Islam’s first Qibla is located, has been its capital since time immemorial. At the turn of last century Palestine was a province of Turkey’s Ottoman Empire. It was a place where violence was unknown and one seldom heard people speak loud leave alone using a bad .Violence raised its ugly head in all its fury, with the advent of Jewish migrants to set up under the combined conspiracy of Jews and European colonial powers a Jewish racist state in Palestine to destabilise the Muslim Middle East.
Turkey was defeated during World War 1 and Palestine was brought under the British Mandatory Authority. The Arab rulers, including the Saudis, sided with Britain during the war on a promise that Palestine would be given freedom after the war. However, instead of freedom Britain helped the Zionist Jews to drive out the Palestinians from their lands and homes and set up a separate state for migrant Jews.

Under this conspiracy, actively implemented by the British Mandatory Authority, Jews who had not even seen the place were brought in from Russia, Middle East and other areas to Palestine where even around 1990 about 95 percent of the population were Palestinian Arabs who owned ninety percent of the land.

The Palestinians were alarmed and worried at the rapidly growing numbers of violence-prone migrant Jews who started provoking them. For example, while the peaceful Muslims in Jerusalem were celebrating the Prophet Muhammad’s ( PBUH) birthday on 16 August 1929, the Jewish migrants hoisted the flag of the Star of David on the Wailing Wall and roused communal hostility against the Muslims by provocative slogans. This led to armed confrontation resulting in the arrest and the execution of many Palestinians in what was later called the “Tuesday of Blood”.
The British Mandatory Authority trained migrant Jewish youths in warfare skills and provided them with sophisticated arms ,tanks and planes while Arab homes and even mosques were searched for arms;
Arabs who had penknives with them were arrested like criminals and punished. The British hanged Arabs who dared to oppose the arrival of Jewish immigrants on the lampposts of Jerusalem as a means of crushing the protest. Therefore, the British crime against the Muslims did not start with Tony Blair’s partnership in George Bush’s crusade against Islam and Muslims under the guise of war on terror.
In the midst of this calamity, migrant Jews established terrorist brigades such as Hagana, Stern and Irgun under the leadership of Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. Later these Jewish terror gangs embarked upon a bloody campaign of manslaughter to terrorise the Palestinians, drive them out from their homes and grab their lands while the powerful and well-organised international Zionist propaganda machine deceived the world by justifying these crimes as they are now doing to camouflage their barbarity in Gaza. Thus began organised Jewish violence that still reeks with the blood and butchery of the innocent hapless victims of the region.
On 22, July 1946, Menachem Begin and his gangs planted bombs in the basement of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91- 25 Britons,41 Arabs and 17 Jews. While echoes of this explosion were still being heard, there began a wave of violence which ruthlessly devastated the region from which it has not been able to recover to date.

It was this same Menachem Begin,”Godfather of terrorism”, who was later accepted by the champions of human rights in the West as the respectable Prime Minister of Israel and was even awarded the coveted Nobel Prize for Peace.His partner in crime against Palestinians Yitzhak Shamir who led the Jewish terrorist group Stern too became the Israeli Prime Minister.He proudly recalled later his notorious killings in Jerusalem to drive Palestinians out to establish the Zionist State of Israel.
These Zionists committed a series of reprehensible massacres against the Palestinian Arabs who were forced into exile by the millions.The US supplied, as it does even today at the cost of American taxpayers,the Israeli Zionist terror gangs with weapons and other means of destruction such as a huge quantity of TNT that was shipped to Tel Aviv.The Zionist terrorists, using a British police vehicle, exploded a barrel of TNT among a crowd of Arabs at the Hebron Gate Market place in Jerusalem killing twenty Arabs and wounding seventy others.

Designed to destroy the Palestinian resistance, Menachem Begin went on a murderous rampage and within a week butchered hundreds of innocent Palestinian men, women and children ­ 100 in the derailment of Haifa Cairo express and 254 in Deir Yassin, a village a few miles off Jerusalem.The Deir Yassin massacre has been one of the most barbarous crimes ever committed against humanity and could be coupled with the infamous “My Lai massacre in Vietnam”.

After dropping seven bombs on this small Arab village of Deir Yassin of 775 people Begin gunned or bayoneted 254 of its unarmed men, women and children of all ages including ninety-year- old Hajj Ismail Attich and the eighteen-month-old baby Mohammed who was butchered on the bosom of his mother. The mutilated bodies of the victims were thrown into a well in the village. Of the 254 victims were 22 pregnant mothers, a woman teacher by the name of Hayat Balabse who wore a Red Cross badge and was tending the wounded when she was butchered, a blind man, Mohammed Khalil Mustafa, and his wife, Latifa Mustafa, who was trying to lead him to safety when the attackers slaughtered both. The women, girls and the children who survived the holocaust were rounded up at dawn by Menachem Begin and his gangs and then loaded into Lorries to Jerusalem where they were paraded through the Jewish streets, jeered and spat upon. Menachem Begin pronounced this wholesale murder a “victory” and boasted about his crime as a memorable day in Jewish history.

Panic overwhelmed the Palestinians who began to flee in terror even before they clashed with Jewish forces. Haganah carried out merciless attacks on other fronts. All the Jewish forces proceeded to advance through Haifa like a hot knife through butter. The Arabs, unarmed and unorganised, fled in panic shouting “Deir Yassin”.

Commenting on this massacre, renowned historian Arnold Toynbee said in his book “A Study of History”: “The evil deeds committed by the Zionist Jews against the Palestinian Arabs that were comparable to crimes committed against the Jews by the Nazis, were the massacre of men, women and children at Deir Yassin which precipitated a flight of the Arab population in large numbers from districts within range of the Jewish armed forces, and the subsequent expulsion of the Arab population from districts conquered by the Jewish forces between 15 May 1948 and end of the year. The blood at Deir Yassin was on the head of the Irgun; the expulsion of Palestinians after 15 May 1948 was on the head of all Israelis.”

According to Moshe Menuhin, the real war “fait accompli” was precipitated at Deir Yassin by Menachem Begin and his terror gangs on April 9, 1948 ­ massacre, panic and the exile of the Arabs.
The irony is that Begin was not even a Palestinian. He fled his native Poland to the Soviet Union where he was sentenced in 1940 to a Siberian labour camp for his Zionist activities. Released a year later, he joined the Allied war efforts when Begin’s Polish army in exile unit was sent to Palestine under British Mandate, in 1942. He abandoned the army uniform in late 1943 and launched a war of ambush and sabotage against the British Authorities in early 1944. The British, condemned Begin as a terrorist and put a price of 10,000 Sterling Pounds on his head for all his crimes.

In the same cold-blooded vein Irgun, Stern and Haganah terror gangs massacred people in a number of other villages. On 14 April 1948 all the people including those from the village of Nasiruddin, except forty fortunate ones who managed to escape, were butchered to death by the bestial, blood-lust Irgun-Stern gangs.On 2 May 1948, carnage on the people was committed in the area of Mazraat El Khoury, overlooking Tiberias by Haganah gangs.
The bodies of many slain women and children were mutilated and a number of old people were beheaded and their limbs cut off. Young people were roasted alive when the Haganah locked them inside a house and set it on fire before the few surviving old people were finally set free by the Haganah .They advised Palestinians to tell their story to the Arab world and sarcastically asked the Arab states to come to their rescue. A mosque was blown up on 6 May, 1948 over the heads of villagers who were locked in by the Zionists at Al Zeitoon, Safad. The entire population of Beit Drass in Gaza was wiped out on 13 May 1948 in another savage attack by the Zionists similar to Deir Yassin massacre. There the pregnant women were bayoneted in the womb; bodies of others atrociously mutilated and all the houses in the villages were finally dynamited. This illustrates the Zionists’ bestial and brutal inhumanity to its best.

Menachem Begin admitted the heroic resistance of the Palestinians in Jaffa as the Zionists paid dearly losing considerable lives before they took over Jaffa. In his book Revolt Menachem Begin said that it was the attacks on Arab towns and villages that caused panic among the Arabs who had to abandon their homes and lands and started fleeing into neighbouring countries as refugees. Some Palestinian Arabs left out of fear while others were either expelled or forced to leave due to oppression or after their homes were destroyed. Palestinian refugees, in many instances, were physically expelled from their homes and villages.

The Zionists also caused the exodus of Arabs from Palestine, through loudspeakers installed in armoured cars, and sarcastically asserted that the road to Amman was open. Another method used was the mass destruction of their homes and villages. For example, two residential quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem, Magharbeh and Saadiyahs, were razed to the ground to establish a parking ground in front of the Wailing Wall.

Since then the Palestinians, driven out of their homes and lands, have been suffering in the refugee camps for more than seventy years. Tired mothers and hungry and sick children still hope in vain that the UN would settle their problems and let them return to their homes again. They still have the keys to their houses and the deeds to their lands now occupied by immigrant Jews. About a quarter million Palestinian Arabs took refuge in neighbouring countries. Visiting a refugee camp more than fifty years later, in 1990, the former British Foreign Secretary Waldergrave described the conditions there as appalling ­ thanks to his country.

In the midst of the Zionist violence and the Palestinian bloodbath, the state of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May, 1948 over a much larger part of the country than that was allotted to the Zionists even by the UN Partition Resolution. What actually emerged as the Jewish State was anything but the “state” planned for under the partition plan. It was the upshot of brute force created in violation of the principles of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the very resolution under which the Israelis now claim sovereignty. Minutes after the proclamation of the Zionist state, recognition came from the White House in the USA followed by the Soviet Union, which played a crucial role in the creation of the Zionist state.

The Arab armies were to enter Palestine on that day to rescue what remained of the land and its people. But, as it is the case even today, despite billions of dollars worth of arms, the neighbouring Arab countries were hardly in a position to do anything without the fear of colonial intervention. Therefore, between Palestine and their seats of power, these rulers opted for power and abandoned the Palestinians as they had done even today when they abandoned the Gaza Palestinians who were roasted and toasted by the Zionist Jews.

In his preface to Palestine Diary by Robert John and Sami Hadawi historian Arnold Toynbee had this to say on the British treachery and betrayal: “If Palestine had remained under Ottoman rule, or if it had become an independent Arab state in 1918, Jewish immigrants would never have been admitted into Palestine in large numbers to enable them to overwhelm the Palestinian Arabs in this Arab people’s own country. The reason why the State of Israel exists today, why millions of Palestinian Arabs are refugees is that, for thirty years, Jewish immigration was imposed on Palestinian Arabs by British military power until the immigration was sufficiently numerous and with tanks and planes of their own”.

Rejecting the idea of a Jewish state, Albert Einstein, the world- renowned scientist said “the state idea is not according to my heart. I cannot understand why it is needed. It is concerned with narrow-mindedness and economic obstacles. I believe it is bad. I have always been against it.” Commenting further on the Jewish question Einstein said in his book Out of My Later Years, “I should much rather see a reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state, with borders, an army and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain.”
The Arab states appealed to the UN and other bodies, of course in vain, to find a peaceful solution. Sixty years later today the Arab rulers are still turning to these very same hostile UN and other forces for solutions to their problems.

The UN Mediator Count Bernadette arrived in Jerusalem in June 1948, the day after the four-week truce became effective in the 1948 war, to inspect thousands of Palestinian refugees in the nearby town of Ramallah, announced his plan for a peaceful solution to the Palestine question. His plan was to create an Arab-Jewish confederation that would cover the whole of Palestine, but with a much smaller portion allotted to the Jews than by the UN partition scheme. The Zionists did not like the idea and to lay it to rest once and for all, they killed Count Bernadotte himself.

Using heavy artillery, 300 Zionist troops attacked the Arab village of Qibyah in the Ramallah district on the midnight of 13 October, 1953. On the following morning the bodies of seventy of its inhabitants, including old men, women and children, were found under the debris of the dynamited houses. The Arabs’ demanding imposition of sanctions on Israel and payment of compensation to the victims’ families by the perpetrators of the crime, was rejected by the big powers in the UN Security Council.

Three years later on 29 October 1956, the Zionists killed 49 Arabs in the village of Kafr Kassim. Israel referred to the massacre as people having been injured by the frontier guards. At 4.30 PM on that day, Zionist Frontier Guards informed the Mukthar of the village to inform the people that a curfew would be imposed from 5 PM to dawn. Mukthar Wadi Ahmed Sursur told the Zionists that about 400 villagers worked outside the village and he could not inform them as time was short. The Frontier Guards promised Mukthar that all men returning from work would be allowed to pass. However, a bitter fate awaited the villagers when they did return from the day’s work as the Zionist gangs massacred them in cold blood without any rhyme or reason.
On the eve of the 1956 war against Egypt by the combined forces of Britain, France and Israel to expropriate the Suez Canal, the Israeli forces made a number of reprisal raids on its northern Arab neighbours in a series of cover up moves to hide their real intentions of a blitz on Egypt. The biggest of these was in Qalquilya in Jordan where, according to UN observers, 48 Arabs were killed. But the mobilization was so large it could no longer be kept a secret. The Zionist troops invaded Sinai, destroyed the Egyptian bases and defeated the Egyptian army before reaching the Gulf of Aqaba so that Israeli warships could use the Red Sea.

In a well calculated war Israel ,backed by the US and Europe ,attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan in June 1967 and
captured Sharm el Sheikh and occupied the Gaza strip, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights .

On 11 June 1967 the cease-fire became effective between Israel and the Arab states. Arab hopes and aspirations were shattered and the Palestinians, languishing in the refugee camps, were thoroughly disillusioned not knowing where to turn to. As the Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan arrogantly said “I don’t want any Arab in my Jewish State” the Zionist troops began committing atrocities on the civilian population of Jerusalem from June 5 to 8, 1967. In her book “War in Jerusalem”, Sister Marie Theresa, who rendered great assistance to the victims described in the following detail the crimes committed by the Zionist Jews;

“Her convent sustained a direct hit during the Israeli raids as a dozen severely wounded and strangely burnt persons lay with their abdomens open and their arms torn out. The arm of one of the women had to be amputated. All had faces riddled with deep burns that made holes in their skins. They said nothing, not even groaning, but gaped with their black eyes fixed and aghast. The Israeli planes had chosen for their targets, some of the poorest quarters of the Old City like Bab Zahreh and Bab Hottah, knowing very well how crowded they were and that there was no military gain to be scored by such savage raids.

Sister Theresa added “we run to the hospital to bury the dead piling at the entrance. The stench was so horrible in the heat that we have to wear masks. We walk in maggoty pools of blood. In the midst of our despair at not being able to find a vehicle for carrying the dead, a Jew arrives to ask about a dead man. To our surprise, we find that the requested man’s body is embalmed, he was English and his rich family had paid for the embalmment. An Israeli ambulance was coming to pick it up. Nothing however for the bodies of the rest! One by one we carry them away with utmost care all the time because the limbs were coming off…. as we approached the Muslim cemetery, a car came up with Moshe Dayan, the Chief Rabbi and Levi Eshkol in it. Jews applauded and the motorcade drove in triumph toward the Temple.

During her visit to the Muslim cemetery, Sister Marie Theresa saw a man “bury his wife and daughter… and massacred children whose skulls broke open”. Upon leaving the place there were a number of Israeli girls who were bursting out with laughter and looking very intoxicated with victory, as they carried revolvers in their hands”.
“In Bethlehem, Israeli cars with amplifiers warned the inhabitants in Arabic that they had two hours to leave their homes and flee towards Jericho and Amman, otherwise their homes would be bombed.”
“We drove slowly in search of the dead woman who was seen in a ditch the day before. Eventually we spotted her and got down to find that she was still clasping the two loaves of bread she had gone out to fetch for her children during the battle. We dug a hole under a rock and buried her in it together with her loaves. We started off again. Three kilometres further on, we came upon two wounded Arabs who had been in that same place by the road for the past three days. Many Israeli vehicles had passed, but none bothered to stop. We carried them to the hospital in Jerusalem”.

Back in Jerusalem, these companions of Jesus were shocked by the cruelty of the Jewish invaders. “With curfew imposed everywhere the Arabs cannot move or work and the families ran short of food. The second wave of Israelis consisted of thieves, looters and sometimes murderers, but the third is even worse for it appeared to be driven only by the thought of death and destruction according to a systematic plan. In the evening Father Paul sees Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Chief of Staff, without any use. “Anguish grips us like a beast that chokes and wrings the heart. The war is over, but we have been too close to the slaughtered lamb. That fifteen-day-old baby. I think of myself as still holding it to me, bruised and blood-smeared all over. When I wake up during the night, scenes pass through my head and I want to scream. Father Paul was so overwhelmed he could not do a thing”.

These were only a handful of incidents to quote, as the list grew longer and longer. In his book David and Goliath, Ernest Trost tells a story which sums up the Israeli attitude quite well.

“An American, an Englishman, a Frenchman and an Israeli are on the menu of a cannibal banquet. Before they are put in the pot, each one was granted a last favour by the cannibal chief. The American asks for a hotdog, the Englishman for a glass of whisky, the Frenchman for a pretty girl. The Israeli says; I would like somebody to give me a kick up the backside. Rather surprised, the chief sends for his strongest warriors who take great delight in acceding to the Israeli’s request. The Israeli lands a little way off, draws two pistols from his pockets and opens fire on the cannibal chief and his men. The others, panic stricken, run away. The American, the Englishman and the Frenchman run over to him and asked why he did not use his gun earlier. The Israeli replies with a smile, “We Israelis never fight unless we are attacked”.

While the 1956 Zionist aggression was carried out in collaboration with France and Britain, in June 1967, the US was the partner in crime with the Jews against the Arabs. There was jubilation everywhere in the capitals of Europe and the US. Britain and France were happy that this time the Zionists successfully avenged, on their behalf, their set backs in the 1956 aggression against Egypt.

Israel occupied and razed more than 400 Palestinian villages between 1948 and 1967 and established exclusive Jewish settlements in their place. There was hardly a word about this too. Almost six months later, the UN managed to pass a resolution No 242 in November 1967, which did not recognise the rights of the Palestinians to return home or statehood; instead stated that Israel should have secure and recognised boundaries.

Later the Zionists and their Western masters exploited the growing rift between Yasser Arafat’s PLO and Jordan’s playboy King Hussein and used Hussein to crush the PLO by killing about 30,000 Palestinians in the streets of Amman in September 1970. South African-born Zionist Foreign Minister Abba Eban threatened military action to protect King Hussein when Syria tried to intervene and stop the carnage in Amman. Since then King Hussein became the sweetheart of the West, which affectionately described him as the plucky little king who was given a grand political funeral when Israelis brought in world leaders to Amman.

In 1982 Menachem Begin and his Defence Minister Ariel Sharon invaded Lebanon to drive out the Palestine Liberation Organisation which established its base there after being expelled from Amman .Israel thought that they could not control the West Bank and Gaza as long as the PLO was alive and the Palestinians would derive their political will from it. Most Arab dictators too wanted to see the demise of the PLO, as they are helping Israel to destroy Hamas in Gaza now.

Prominent journalist and historian Peter Mansfield said that “anyone now doubting that Menachem Begin, his cabinet and his generals are not a danger to the world peace on the same scale as Hitler and Mussolini is beyond comprehension. After massive air raids Israel has launched a full scale invasion of a neighbouring country, slaughtering hundreds of civilians and terrorizing the population. It has brushed aside UN peace keeping forces and contemptuously dismissed the UN itself. Only South Africa can bear comparison, but beside Israel it appears cautious and restrained.
The attitude of the US is exasperating almost beyond endurance. The familiar pattern which we saw after the Israeli bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor and the annexation of Golan Heights is already repeating itself – initial condemnation followed by back tracking. It is no surprise that millions – not only Arabs and Muslims – are convinced that the Americans connived with the Israeli invasion , telling them to go ahead and not to bother about US public disapproval, because it would not be given any teeth.

As Beirut was bombed by air, land and sea, as they are now doing in Gaza, people throughout the world watched the wanton act of destruction unfolding beneath the relentless gaze of television. Within five days 8000 people, 2000 of them in Sidon alone, were killed by the invading Israeli forces and on June 12 and 13, about 400 Lebanese civilians, most of them women and children were blasted to death in their apartments. Hundreds of corpses were buried in one mass grave, now known as Martyr’s Square, in Sidon alone.

British journalist with conscience Robert Fisk who covered the war said in his book Pity The Nation that most of the victims were Muslims and on the edge of Sabra, the Muslim cemetery was so crowded with dead from the Israeli raids that corpses were being buried thirty feet deep in mass graves, one on top of the other.
The bodies in decay are disgusting. The smell of human remains in 100 degrees of heat nauseating and it contradicts our most deeply held values – love, beauty, gentleness, health, cleanliness, hygiene and life. Both physically and mentally that stench was the manifestation of our fear and revulsion. When we first walked down the stairs of the Sidon elementary school, where refugees from
Tire found shelter, were bombed by the Israelis on June 7 night, we faced the smell of those men, women and children killed. Why did they die here? How could such an abomination have taken place? If terrorism was a Katyusha attack on Galilee that killed, one, five even ten people what did this charnel house represent?”

This was not an isolated incident throughout Israel’s savage air raids as the Red Cross estimated at between 1,500 and 2,000 civilian fatalities in Sidon alone. According to the Red Cross, by the end of first week of the occupation 9,583 people were killed and 16,608 wounded. During the second week, the number reached 14,000, mainly civilians, killed and 20,000 wounded. A total of 12,000 men, women and children were killed in Tire, most of them in the Palestinian refugee camps at Rashidiya, Bourj Al Shemali and Al Bass. Nevertheless, the most horrific toll of casualties was in the Muslim areas of West Beirut where 2,461 were killed by the Israeli raids that also killed hundreds of others in many villages along the Litani River.

The air raids and massacres continued with Israel which, by then, had about 100,000 soldiers with 1,300 tanks in Lebanon, demanding complete surrender of the PLO whose forces were trapped in Beirut. As if the carnage by air raids were not enough the Jews began using, the US supplied destructive cluster bombs against West Beirut where the mournful exodus of citizens continued. No food was allowed in and the Israeli troops even grabbed baskets of food from Muslim women and threw them into the ditch. According to Robert Fisk, Phalangist militiamen grabbed two bottles of water from a 65 or 70 year old woman, smashing them saying “F…k your sister” in front of four Israeli soldiers, who laughed.

Describing the Israeli cruelty even in hospitals Dr. Amal Shamma of the Beirut Hospital said “after the Zionists fired phosphorus shells in West Beirut on 29 July, I had to take the babies and put them in buckets of water to put out of flames. When I look them out half an hour later, they were still burning. Even in the mortuary, they smouldered for hours”. Journalist Jim Muir described the invasion as an Israeli American double act, working in partnership, with the Americans trying to reap the fruits of the Israeli invasion.

American envoys continued to press for the PLO capitulation, as they were trying to force the Hamas to do now, which Israel demanded. Washington joined the Israelis in promoting an extraordinary misinformation campaign suggesting the PLO collapse was imminent.
Condemning the barbarous invasion three prominent Jewish figures, Nahum Goldman, Philip Klutznick and Pierre Mendes, said Israel would not be able to liquidate the PLO or solve the Palestine question. Describing the US as the real villain they pointed out that the main responsibility for chaos in the Middle East was with the US because of its military and economic aid to Israel. Former US President Jimmy Carter accused Secretary of State Alexander Haig of giving the green light for the Israeli invasion.

The PLO leaders, as pointed out by Robert Fisk, spoke savagely of the moral cowardice of the fellow Arabs, as they are even today, who failed to react throughout the Israeli carnage? The so called radical Arab nations that had broadcast appeals to mobilize the masses on Palestinian’s behalf failed to send their men or arms to support the cause for which they had fought four wars with
Israel. The Arab nations with their existing regimes were “as still as the grave”, as they are today, and they accepted the Israeli blows only with written – verbal condemnation.
In 1976, Christian militiamen stormed three Palestinian refugee camps in East Beirut. Syrian troops intervened and entered Beirut as part of an Arab Deterrent Force. Instead of offering protection late Syrian President Hafez Al Asad’s forces massacred about 30,000 Palestinians during this operation in Tel Al Zaater. In the melee, the Israeli-backed Christian militiamen massacred the entire population of Sabra and Chatila refugee camps despite the written assurances of US envoy Philip Habib and European countries ensuring the protection of the Palestinian civilians. Phalangists involved in the massacre said in Beirut that “pregnant women will give birth to terrorists; the children when they grow up will be terrorists”.

Robert Fisk, accompanied by two more journalists Loren Jenkins, an American, and Tveit, a Norwegian, who visited the camp on September 18 morning had this to say of the mass killing;
“All of us wanted to vomit. We were breathing death, inhaling the very putrescence of the bloated. There were women lying in houses with their skirts torn up to their waists and their legs wide apart. Children with their throats cut, rows of young men shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall. There were babies – blackened babies because they had been slaughtered more than 24 hours earlier and their small bodies were already in a state of decomposition – tossed into rubbish heaps alongside discarded US army ration tins, Israeli army medical equipment and empty bottles of whisky. When we drove down to Chatila we had seen the Israelis on top of the apartments in the Avenue Camille Chamoun but they made no attempt to stop us. Walking across the muddy entrance of Chatila we found that these buildings had all been dynamited to the ground. There were cartridge cases across the main road and Israeli flare canisters still attached to their tiny parachutes. Clouds of flies moved across the rubble, raiding parties with a nose for victory.

Down the lane way there laid a pile of corpses: young men whose arms and legs had been wrapped around each other in the agony of death; all had been shot at point blank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away a line of flesh up to the ear and entering the brain. Some had vivid crimson or black scars down the left side of their throats. One had been castrated, his trousers torn open and a settlement of flies throbbing over his torn intestines. The eyes of the young men were all open. The youngest was only twelve or thirteen years old and the bodies began to bloat in heat. On the other side of the main road we found the bodies of women and several children. The corpse of the middle aged women lay draped over a pile of rubble. One lay on her back, her dress torn open and the head of a little girl emerging from behind her. Another child lay on the roadway like a discarded doll, her white dress stained with mud and dust. She could not have been more than three years old and her head been blown away by a bullet fired into her brain. One of the women also had a tiny baby to her body and the bullet that had passed through her breast had killed the baby too. Someone had slit open the woman’s stomach, cutting sideways and then upwards, perhaps trying to kill her unborn child. Her eyes were wide open, her dark face frozen in horror.

They saw a young woman lying on her back as if she was sunbathing in the heat and the blood running from her back was still wet. The Israeli backed murderers who raped and knifed the woman have just left. Between September 16 and 18 more than 2,000 men, women, children and the aged were massacred in Sabra and Chatila. While the slaughter was going on inside the camp, as quoted by Robert Fisk, outside the entrance to Chatila on Friday at 4 pm James Pringle of Newsweek asked militiamen of Haddad’s forces what was going on inside the camp. The gunman replied simply and in English “We are slaughtering.” Pringle first thought it was a joke only to realise the horror within hours.

As confirmed later the massacre was committed by the Christian allies ­ uniformed, armed, trained, paid and fed by Zionists Jews as their own creatures. Some wearing Phalangist insignia and others dressed in the uniform of Haddad’s militia they were, about thirty, brought in at number one runway at Beirut airport, 24 hours before the massacre, on Thursday September 16, by the Israeli air force Hercules transport aircraft. The Israelis under Ariel Sharon, as admitted later, who controlled the camps, let the killers inside who began to knife and cut the throats of women and children in Chatila and later started sniping with rifles at anyone who moved out of doors. But the real massacre began with mass killings on 17 September Friday afternoon watched from the nearby stadium by the Israelis and Ariel Sharon. Most of those murdered were secretly and hurriedly buried in mass graves beneath the golf course between Chatila and the airport with bulldozers brought well in time for the purpose to cover up the crime. The other bodies found in Chatila were buried near the entrance to the camp amidst great grief and nauseating stench.

Shocked by the crime many countries asked how the Jews who have suffered so terribly under Hitler could be so heartless to commit such atrocities. Although Israel was responsible for the slaughter as an occupier Menachem Begin whose government was accused of “blood libel”, living up to his old reputation and terrorist qualities, announced, “No one will preach to us moral values or respect for human life, on whose basis we were educated and will continue to educate generations of fighters in Israel”.

Israel’s Kahan commission’s flawed report on the massacre, condemned Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Eitan, Drori and other Israeli officers, concluded that Ariel Sharon should bear personal responsibility- for this genocide .Sick of Begin’s crimes even the Israelis came out on demonstrations demanding his resignation while Professor Yeshayahu Leibotvitz of the Hebrew University, the Editor of Encyclopaedia Hebraica said “the massacre was done by us. The Phalangists are our mercenaries exactly as the Ukrainians and the Croatians and the Slovakians were the mercenaries of Hitler, who organised them as soldiers to do the work for him. Even so we have organised the assassins of Lebanon in order to murder the Palestinians”.

As a result of the Israeli invasion, almost 17,825 people were killed between June 4 and September 1982. Ariel Sharon, a man of blood whose history of terror stretches back to the early 1950s when he ran a commando squad which slaughtered 69 Palestinians in the village of Qibbiya and who is known for his lead role in the carnage of Palestinian civilians in villages such as Kafr Kassim, Deir Yassin and other places decades later, was directly and indirectly responsible for this massacre. He did not end his crimes there.

In September 2000, Ariel Sharon triggered off the Palestinian uprising now known as Al Aqsa Intifada, entered Masjid Al Aqsa compound in Jerusalem accompanied by around 2,000 Israeli armed forces provided by Ehud Barak who, as prime minister, slaughtered stone throwing Palestinian men, women and children.

Ehud Barak’s suggestion for dealing with the Intifada demonstrators was to “cut off their body parts”. By any reasonable reckoning, he was a war criminal, destined only to exile and disgrace. His best friends are mentally deranged people such as Avigdor Liberman who openly advocates setting Beirut on fire, launching missiles at Tehran, destroying the Aswan dam and recapturing villages already handed back to the Palestinians. Despite all his criminal background, Ariel Sharon was elected as prime minister by the people of Israel in an overwhelmingly sad reflection on the part of the Israeli voters. The Western leaders went all out to set up international war crime tribunals to bring to book criminals such as former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic for Srebrenica massacre and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet for his infamous “Caravan of Death, but it has been business as usual with Ariel Sharon the man held personally responsible for the largest massacre of civilians in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

It is a comedy of fact that Ariel Sharon” a villain of peace and architect of man massacre” was accorded a red carpet welcome as a” Paragon of Peace” at the White House by President George Bush-the big bully and a buccaneer of peace.

Receiving Ariel Sharon later at his private ranch Bush offered specially prepared chocolate wrapped in paper designed with the motif of the Israeli flag. Billions of dollars of United States’ tax payers’ money regularly flow annually to help the Zionist entity besides unstinted political, diplomatic, economic and military backing to continue its crime against neighbouring countries and their people. Tony Blair received Sharon at his office as a respected and dignified leader. Both Bush and his wife Laura prayed for Sharon’s early recovery when he suffered a serious stroke. This shocking behaviour of both Bush and Blair demonstrated to the world the brutal control the Jews exercise over the Anglo- American political establishment and political leaders, especially Bush and Blair who shamelessly claimed that they were fighting a war against global terror.

Sharon was given a free hand by Western leaders to kill Palestinians at will on a daily basis, destroy Palestinian homes, evict Palestinians from their lands and build thousands of homes for Jews. When the Zionists continue to kill innocent Arabs and shed their blood, the leaders in the West turned a blind eye. But they were outraged when a Palestinian killed a Jew who was occupying his house and land. Almost all Western leaders screamed and condemned such executions as acts of terror and describe Palestinians as terrorists. No Western leader has ever described Jewish crime and bloodshed in the Middle East as a form of terrorism.

In the midst , in a spotless democratic election held in January 2006 the Palestinians elected with overwhelming majority Hamas, known for their commitment to the Palestinian cause and pursuit of peace with dignity. This election was held under the supervision of former US President Jimmy Carter who described it as free and fair,
This budding democracy in Gaza alarmed Israel, the US and their European and Arab collaborators who wanted Hamas crushed at any cost. Arabs dictators were alarmed that their own people may demand democracy. Israel introduced inhuman measures to collectively punish the Palestinians for electing Hamas. Israel, backed by US and Europe, stopped all donations and cut off the flow of all money to starve Palestine into submission. The Arab regimes too joined this financial blockade knowing very well the misery they were causing to the Palestinians who needed this money to keep body and soul together.

The task of overthrowing the Hamas government was entrusted to Mahmoud Abbas who was bribed, armed and even given arms training by the US through Egypt proving to the world that the US claim to promote democracy is a farce.

Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery said “the message of Jews, the US and Europe to Palestinian is that you will reach the brink of hunger, and even beyond, if you do not surrender. You must remove the Hamas government and elect candidates approved by Israel and the US. You must be satisfied with a Palestinian state consisting of several enclaves, each of which will be utterly dependent on the tender mercies of Israel’.
In the midst of this gloom and while the world was busy watching the 2006 World Cup Football Championships, Israel’s latest Fuhrer Olmert turned Gaza into a yet another slaughter house aimed at crushing Hamas and the flourishing democracy there. As usual, the Western media failed to highlight the Palestinian sufferings and there was deafening international silence.

As expected, the US gave a free hand while spineless Europe called for restraint. India, once the champion of Palestine, virtually abandoned the Palestinians and embraced Israel and established a Delhi-Tel Aviv-Washington axis. The Arab leaders who counted on Indian support watched as helpless spectators. It was business as usual for China with Israel while the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan expressed his concern at the excessive use of force by Israel and the need to preserve Palestinian institutions and infrastructure.

Unable to bear the suffering, Hamas demolished the towering iron and concrete border wall that Israel erected since 2003 and broke open the Rafah border allowing hundreds of thousands to burst out and shop for desperately needed supplies in Egyptian border towns. In this unbelievable movement of joy and freedom they traveled by
car, truck on the foot and on donkey cart and the highway was jammed with packed taxis and pick-up trucks whose beds were filled beyond capacity and racing from Egyptian Rafah to al-Arish. Some journalists have called it a huge “jail break” and Gazans felt a deep exhale of relief joy — both rare commodities in this forsaken land.

Israel continued to tighten its economic blockade to starve Palestinians and force them to rise against Hamas. The situation deteriorated to such an extend that on 9 December 2008 Dr. Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinians Territories, forcefully insisted on the need to protect civilian Palestinian population from being collectively punished by Israeli policies that amount to a Crime Against Humanity.

The UNHRC harshly reprimanded Israel for its policies and called for an end to their “cruel, inhuman and degrading” punishments. Falk insisted the UN International Criminal Court investigate into Israel’s atrocious crimes and those Israeli civilian leaders and military commanders responsible be indicted and prosecuted for violations of international criminal law.”

As a result Richard Falk who was on his way to the Palestinian occupied territories to carry out his officially mandated functions was detained at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv where he was forced to spend 20 hours in a small room before being put on a plane bound for Los Angeles. Falk’s mobile phone was confiscated to prevent him from contacting other officials of the United Nations before his deportation.

The detention of Richard Falk meant a clear violation of UN immunities, which protect UN envoys and their activities. Falk had been invited by the Palestinian Authority to visit the occupied territories to check the numerous and continued human rights violations by Israeli authorities. The civilized world and its institutions cannot continue to turn a blind eye while Israel commits all kinds of awful crimes against the Palestinian people. Many politicians in the West have been taking a cowardly approach on Israeli atrocities due to their fear of the Zionist lobbies in their respective countries.

Even in the face of Dr. Falk’s and the UNHRC’s findings and conclusions Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the other Arab regimes and the feckless Arab League, all remained silent .

The situation continued to deteriorate when Israel intensified its blockade and Egypt once again closing the Rafah border crossing. Condemning the terrible conditions of Palestinians former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, told the BBC during the first week of November 2008 that it was “almost unbelievable” that the world did not care about what she called “a shocking violation of so many human rights. Their whole civilization has been destroyed, I’m not exaggerating .It’s almost unbelievable that the world doesn’t care while this is happening.”
It was under these circumstances, using US supplied latest bunker buster missiles,F-16 warplanes and Apache helicopter gunships, Israel, in the latest of its war crimes against Palestinians on 27 December 2008 dropped around 100 tons of bombs on1.5 million defenseless and starving Palestinian population killing mercilessly 220 men, women, children and the aged besides wounding hundreds.This ruthless and senseless carnage continued unabatedly at the time of concluding this document on 9 January 2008 when the death toll chalked up to 760.

Television footages of scattered dead bodies of innocent little babies, beautiful small children , teenagers, brothers, sisters, parents and the aged ,some lying in a pile ,some being carried away by distraught rescuers and the wounded writhing in pain and reciting verses from the Quran. These pathetic sights melted the hearts of people all over the world- irrespective of religion, language, nationality and colour.

But, they failed to kindle the conscience of the ruling elites in the West and the Middle East as well, because they were party to this crime that was marketed well in advance by Israel Foreign Minister Tizipi Livni ­ a woman who justified this massacre. Israeli justification for this genocide is that Hamas firing rockets into southern Israel which in fact was the land of Palestinians grabbed by the Zionist Jews. However, these rockets are nothing more than slingshots against Israel’s military might and the Palestinians use them out of sheer desperation to highlight their just grievances.

As expected and as usual the most detested and despised US President George Bush, soaked in the blood of almost two million Iraqis, Afghans, Palestinians, Somalis and other Muslims, blamed Hamas. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown whose affection towards Jews has been too strong to condemn their crimes, was rather silent .After all it was British treachery and conspiracy that created racist entity of Israel whose crime records during the past three quarter century have been common knowledge.

President elect Barack Obama too failed to speak out despite growing pressure sending his own message-”Silence Speaks of Complicity”. After all, he must be grateful to the Jewish lobbies and corporate conglomerates that brought him to power. A British columnist pointed out “Britain’s Prime Minister Brown and his predecessor, now peace envoy Blair, both self-confessed Zionists, have given their undying support to a terrorist state (Israel) and steered Britain’s foreign policy on a course that has earned the opprobrium of civilized people. Our Foreign Office went so far as to say they were “deeply concerned” then spouted the mantra: The only way to achieve a lasting peace is through peaceful means”.Reiterating this, another columnist pointed out that this killing spree could not have happened without the tacit approval of America, Britain and the EU. The political pea-brains that direct the pro-Israel western alliance were partying, gorging themselves on Christmas fare or binge-shopping while this massacre of hungry women and children and their despairing men folk in Gaza was being planned and executed.

It has become clear on the fourth day that the Jewish carnage was planned executed by Israel in close coordination with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the PA. According to subsequent reports they were backed by neo con fascist Bush and Cheney in their drive to cause problems to the incoming President Barrack Obama.Some reports disclosed that, though the PA President Mahmoud Abbas slammed this as “barbaric” and “unnecessary “for months he and his top representatives have waged a quiet but intensive campaign requesting Israel to target Hamas in Gaza just before his term in office is scheduled to expire on Jan. 9.

Hamas leaders have repeatedly warned that they will not recognize Abbas after January ninth. Instead, they will launch a major campaign to delegitimize the PA president and install their own figures to lead the Palestinian government. Abbas,
collaborator with the Zionists, expected a large-scale Israeli military campaign in Gaza to distract Hamas from undermining his rule. He has been fully backed by Israel, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak,
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Jordan’s Abdullah.
Hamas accused the Palestinian Authority of planning to return to Gaza Strip with the help of Israel and was coordinating his moves with the Egyptians and the Saudis. A report by Palestine Information Center stated that Mahmoud Abbas has ordered his officials in Ramallah to set up an “emergency room” comprised of commanders of the PA security forces and the interior minister, to prepare for reassuming office ­perhaps over the blood, flesh, dead bodies and the sufferings of Palestinians and destroyed infrastructure of Gaza.

Fawzi Barhoum, Hamas representative, disclosed that members of the cell were
told to gather information about Hamas leaders’ secret hideouts and pass them on to Israel obviously to kill them. He said number of retired Fatah officers sought permission from Abbas to defend Gaza. However Abbas did not respond. This is the lowest depth to which Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestine Authority that served the Israelis more than the Palestinians, has descended.

In fact after months of persecution of Hamas in the west Bank, PA security forces, in cooperation with Israeli forces, launched the biggest ever crackdown in late October 2008, swept through villages, town and refugee camps , arrested Hamas men on the basis of a list provided Shin Beit ­Israel’s domestic intelligence, subjected them to severe beatings and ridiculed them for their Islamic life and practices. Their target was to destroy Hamas’ political, economic, social, educational and cultural infrastructure.

During a scandalous meeting between Israelis and the PA Security Chiefs in Beit El , near Ramallah, Palestinian General Diab al Ali, known as Abu Fatah, reportedly told the Israelis that ” we are allies, not enemies. We have a common enemy, it is Hamas”. When the details were published even sources within Fatah called him a traitor and demanded that his sacking.

Meanwhile London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi reported on Sunday 28 that Egypt collaborated with Israel in this massacre to deal a blow to Hamas. Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman deceived Hamas into believing that Israel would not launch an attack on the Gaza Strip in the near future.

Citing sources close to former Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar, Al Quds reported, “Egypt told Hamas on Friday evening that Israel had agreed to begin talks on a ceasefire and would not attack Gaza before these talks ended. Egypt’s assurance persuaded Hamas not to evacuate its security compounds in accordance with routine procedures in place after any threats by Israel. Suleiman also convinced a number of Arab leaders that Israel was intending to launch only limited operations into the Gaza Strip to mount pressure on Hamas ahead of signing a new ceasefire agreement”.

In a heartless move Hosni Mubraka declared that he would keep the Rafah crossings with Gaza closed until Mahmud Abbas regains authority over the territory. Mubarak came in for strong criticism from the Arab and Muslim world for not fully opening its border with Gaza to enable Palestinians to purchase their essential items including food and medicine. However, George Bush thanked Hosni Mubarak for his role in facilitating the latest Israeli slaughter of innocent Palestinians. This was the shameful role of Hosni Mubarak, more a Zionist stooge than an Arab leader, who has become a source of humiliation to the Arabs and Muslims in general and the Egyptians in particular.

Two days before the carnage Mubarak held talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni triggering off charges of collusion that led to attacks on Egyptian diplomatic missions both in Beirut and the Yemeni port city of Aden.

Meanwhile it is common knowledge that Israel also had the blessings of Saudis whose long secret links with the Zionists have now come to open with their Islamic mask falling. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan have been puppets of Americans and the Zionists who rule America and one should not forget that these countries were hand in glove with the Zionists, America and Europe in all their designs and destructions against the Arabs and Muslims.

In one of the most humiliating decisions in the history of Islam ,Saudis rolled red carpet to receive George Bush, number one enemy of Islam, Muslims and humanity, though he should not have been allowed to step into the soil chosen by Almighty Allah to raise our beloved Prophet Muhammed ( Pbuh) and reveal the final message of Islam for the salvation of human beings. Once Hosni Mubarak and Saudi Abdullah were bought over the entire, Middle East was neutralized, enabling Israelis to kill the Palestinians at will. The result was the deafening Arab silence.
Yet the sights of death and destruction struck close to the hearts of brutally oppressed Egyptians who accused Mubarak’s regime of taking a spectator’s position while the blood of the Palestinians continues to be shed in the Gaza Strip. They asserted, “Arab governments are complicit in what happens to the Palestinians. These governments assisted Israel tighten its grip on the dispossessed Palestinians and kill them.”

“Mubarak and Tzipi Livni have agreed on the genocide of the Palestinian people,” read one banner. “Mubarak is an accomplice in attacks against the Palestinian people,” read another.

As pointed out by the World Socialist sources the hypocritical and lying reports of the pro Jewish Western media, which shamelessly described Israel’s aerial blitz against apartment blocks, police stations, universities, mosques and office buildings as an act of “self defense,” while equating the occupied with the occupiers and ineffectual homemade rockets with US-supplied F-16s, Hellfire missiles and “smart bombs. No Arab country has condemned this dastardly Jewish crime against Palestinians .Eleven days later, the Arab foreign ministers met with great reluctance, more as a public relations exercise, on Wednesday 31. Knowing the Arab dictators well, the expectations were extremely low when 22 Arab countries met .In fact the Arab populace knew well that it was unlikely that the league would agree to any concrete measure despite widespread protests across the Arab world.
As expected, the Arab League meeting decided to refer the matter to United Nations knowing very well that already a related UN Security Council Resolution was blocked by the US on Sunday 28. The US Security Council only managed to issue a ‘non-binding’ statement that called on Israel to voluntarily end all its military activities in the besieged region. One should not forget that US has so far vetoed over 40 anti-Israeli resolutions sought by the council since 1972. Since 2004, Washington has prevented the adoption of four other resolutions that called for Tel Aviv to halt its operations in the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile reports also started to emerge on numerous websites that Saudi Arabia and Egypt tried to delay the so-called Arab summit to provide Israel with sufficient time to destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal has reportedly put pressure on Gulf Cooperation Council countries to postpone the summit while the Saudi state-run news agency had earlier quoted Saud al-Faisal as saying that the GCC had not made a decision on a call for an emergency meeting on Gaza.

Meanwhile there emerged reports that Abdulla of Saudi Arabia has reportedly told President George Bush during a telephone conversation that he would not ask Israel to stop bombing Palestinians in Gaza.

In a sheer traditional display of Saudi hypocrisy, Abdullah called on Palestinian factions to unite against their common enemy when he received a delegation from the International Union for Muslim Scholars, IUMS, led by Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi. The question is who the enemy is when there were reports of Saudi collaboration in the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. As usual, Al- Qaradawi praised Abdullah for his tremendous support for Islamic causes and for endeavoring to unite Muslim ranks. Perhaps al- Qaradawi was not aware that the Abdulla was hand in glove with Israel in slaughtering the Palestinians.

The immediate question is to save the Palestinians before thinking of unity.The need of the hour was for immediate concrete measures to stop the Israeli genocide. Instead displaying sheer hypocrisy and treachery at the opening of the Cairo meeting, Amr Moussa, General Secretary of the Arab League, called for an immediate meeting of rival Palestinian factions as a diversionary ploy.

Responding, the Iranian President Ahmadinejad warned that setting up committees and making speeches would not be an adequate response to the offensive that has killed nearly 400 Palestinians.

“If the Arab League does not want to do anything today, when does it want to act? Aren’t these oppressed Palestinians Arabs? So, when should the capacity of the Arab League be used? The Arab League should act quickly,” said Ahmadinejad who also criticized the United Nations’ failure to rise up to its responsibility and save the Palestinians.

These are the crime records of Zionist Jews with whom the Arab rulers were competing to establish good relations. What a shame?
The Arab rulers have become collaborators with Israel to slaughter their own people to help implement Zionist Jewish evil designs on the Middle East.
Sixty years later today Israel has emerged as the only lawless racist entity of its kind, living up to its illegitimate birth, threatening not only the Middle East, but also the entire world. There is one thing common to all Zionist leaders- from Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu and Yitzhak Rabin to Olmert, Ehud Bark and Tzipi Livini – they are all soaked in Palestinian blood and even the entire perfume industry in the world will not be able to purify them of their sins.
War crimes or human rights violations committed by the major powers or their allies in particular are always treated with impunity, not necessarily according to different yardsticks and standards and go unpunished. The prospects are certainly not encouraging in the case of Israel, which has long been allowed by its Western sponsors to violate a string of UN Security Council resolutions, while other states in the region are subjected to lethal sanctions, and bombing attacks for their transgressions.

The state of Israel is a unique in the sense this is the only case in known history where:

· Sons of the soil, Palestinians, who lived there for more than 4,000 years, were killed and kicked out at gunpoint to languish as refugees in abject poverty to accommodate Jews who hade not even set eyes on this land.

· Jews from any part of the world could settle down in the occupied Palestinian lands, only because they are Jews, whereas the Palestinians, driven out of their homes and still holding the keys to their houses and title deeds for the lands were not permitted to return.

· The United Nations violated its very charter by recognizing a state for these migrant Jews while depriving the sons of the soil, the Palestinians, a home and state on their own lands from where they were driven out.

· History of Zionism has become nothing but a history of crimes, conspiracies, bloodshed, murders, massacres and lawlessness.

· Israel – The only entity in known history that repeatedly elects mass murderers and war criminals as prime ministers.

· The only entity that has caused unprecedented damage to the image of righteous Jews.

· The only entity where a Rabbi, Jewish priest, supposed to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Moses and occupying Palestinian land could proudly say that the lives of one million Palestinians are not worth a fingernail of a Jew and gets away with it.

Western leaders dare not utter a word against the Zionists and their crimes, as they are well aware of the disastrous consequences. The international Jewry will react promptly and ruthlessly, bring out their skeletons from the cupboards, disgrace and finish them off once and for all. Just to cite two cases were the plight of former UN Secretary General Kurt Waldhiem who later became Austrian Chancellor and failed to please the Zionists and the former US President Bill Clinton, who was disgraced by the scandalous sex liaison with Monica Lewinsky, when he tried to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestinians was not to their liking.

The situation is such that the leaders of the West and even the Middle East simply need to listen to the dictates of international Jewry which brutally controls the economy, finance, industry, media, entertainment and thereby the politics, political establishments and politicians and rule as the invisible force behind the throne in the entire West and thus the world. The philosophy is “toe the line, turn a blind eye to their crimes to survive and thrive. Or else stand up to Jewish crimes, face their wrath, suffer in disgrace and ruin your life”.
Sixty years of Zionist Jews’ crime records have proved beyond doubt that they are not normal human beings with normal human feelings and respect to the feelings of others. Instead they have become heartless and merciless people hell bent on, usurping others basic rights, grabbing others lands and harming others under various pretexts and that too in the most brutal manner which may even make Hitler shy.
One should not forget that the Zionism was described United Nations General Assembly Resolution as a “form of racism”. There is no place for thousands of years of cherished human values in their philosophy For example, Rabbi Yaacov said that “one million Arabs were not worth a Jewish fingernail. Reiterating this Israeli Prime Minister said in 1988 that “Palestinians would be crushed like grasshoppers… heads smashed against the boulders and walls while Menachem Begin described the Palestinians as “beasts walking on two legs”. These are the Jewish leaders accepted by the so-called civilised West.

What is appalling is that even some Arab leaders, ignoring the suffering Palestinians and their legitimate cause, opted to recognise and deal with the Zionists while some developing countries, including giants among them, have conveniently dropped the Palestinians in their rush to embrace and deal with the Zionists!

Now that the whole world including leaders in some Muslim countries too have turned against Muslims where do we Muslims stand and what do we do to save ourselves from future carnages?


Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 22, 2009

9/11: All In One Chunk

9/11 – The Basic Questions

1. Why didn’t jets intercept the airliners since they had numerous warnings of terrorist attacks?

2. Why did Ashcroft stop flying commercial airlines, citing an unidentified “threat” in July 2001?

3. Why did FEMA lie about their presence in New York on 9/11?

4. Why didn’t the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom?

5. Why did George H.W. Bush meet bin Laden’s brother on 9/11?

6. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the flights all use the term boxcutters?

7. Where are the flight recorders?

8. Why were the FISA warrants discontinued?

9. How did Bush see the first plane crash on live camera?

10 Why was security meeting scheduled for 9/11 cancelled by WTC management on 9/10?

11. How did they come up with the “culprits” so quickly?

12. How did they find the terrorist’s cars at the airports so quickly?

13. Why did Shrub dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force?

14. Why the strange pattern of debris from Flight 93?

15. How extensive was the relationship between the Taliban, the ISI and the CIA?

16. What exactly was the role of Henry Kissinger at UNOCAL?

17. When was it decided to cancel building a pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan?

18. Why did the FBI in 1996 close the files to investigate Osama bin Laden’s relatives in Washington?

19. Why did .Bush stop inquiries into terrorist connections of the Bin Laden family in early 2001?

20. Who made the decision to have John O’Neill stop investigating Al-qeada accounts?

21. Who gave the decision to give him a security job at the World Trade Center?

22. Did John O’Neill meet anyone of the FEMA in the night of September 10th?

23. What about media reports that hijackers bought tickets for flights scheduled after Sept. 11?

24. Why did none of the 19 hijackers appear on the passenger lists?

25. Why would devout Muslims frequent bars, drink alcoholic beverages and leave their bibles?

26. Why would the hijackers use credit cards and allow drivers licenses with photos to be zeroxed?

27. Why did the hijackers force passengers to call relatives?

28. How did the hijackers change the flight plan without law enforcement or the military try to stop them?

29. How did a hijackers passport miraculously appear near the WTC? Who found it and what time?

30. How could the FBI distinguish between “regular” Muslims and hijacker Muslims on those flights?

31. Why was there not one “innocent” Muslim on board any of these flights?

32. Did someone go through the passenger lists looking for Muslim names and label them as hijackers?


33. Did the Florida police provide information that Atta was searched because of 1) an expired Visa, 2) driving a car without a license, 3) because of an incident at Miami Airport?

34. Why did Atta leave his bag at the airport and the employees didn’t put it on board?

35. Who found his bag? How can we be sure it it was his bag?

36. Why did Atta place a video “how to fly planes”, a uniform and his last will into his bag, knowing that he would commit suicide?

37. Why did Atta leave his drivers license in a rental car?

38. When did Atta train on a flight simulator?

39. Did Atta leave the US while in training and then return?

40. Why did Atta decide to study at Opa Locka, a famous hub of 6 Navy training bases and includes government partners like U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Police (Miami-Dade) Aviation Unit?

41. Why was Atta allowed to study since he was stopped by the police for driving without a license and also for violating his visa?


42. Why were the Black Boxes never recovered ?

43. Why didn’t the FBI release the air traffic controller’s protocols?

44. Why did the FBI not release the Flight Data Recorder info?


45. How did the FBI receive a tip from a passenger who boarded a different plane and reached his destination safely that he had a confrontation with two ME men at the Logan airport in Boston?

46. Who tipped the FBI to storm the Westin Hotel in Boston on September 12th?

47. Where did the photos of all 19 hijackers come from?

48. How were all hijackers identified just 2 days after the attack?

9/11 Related WRH Articles
Rahm Emmanuel, former Clinton adviser, current congressman from Illinois, staunch supporter of Israel, and suspected by many of being “Mega”, the Mossad mole in the Clinton White House, has a brother, Ari Emmanuel, who just happens to be Michael Moore’s agent.

Questions for Michael Moore
“Fahrenheit 9/11” is a powerful antiwar statement and needs to be supported for that reason. However, I would like to ask Michael Moore a few questions regarding his implication that Saudi Arabia was behind 9-11.

* The Part of the Story Michael Moore Missed
Let’s take a look at the idea of Saudi Arabia as the perpetrator of 9-11. Why would they do it? What would they gain?

9/11 – A Moment of Reflection
Written shortly after the attacks.

World Trade Center Attack: Unanswered Questions
My take? Americans are not very bright. Americans don’t think. They accept what they are told. They don’t TEST what they are told.

President Bush’s Visit to Booker Elementary School on 9/11
Why was Bush allowed to attend the school? Why did he lie about seeing the first WTC impact at the school? Why did he stay in the school after being told of the second WTC impact? The video of his visit provides some answers.

The WTC Collapses – An Audio/Video Analysis
Where were the infernos? Why did people including firefighters report explosions before the WTC collapses? Why did the ground shake before the collapse of WTC 1? Why did the collapse of WTC 1 start from above the aircraft impact level? WTC 7 may provide some answers.

* The 1993 WTC bombing was allowed to happen
Law-enforcement officials knew terrorists were building a bomb to blow up the WTC, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives. An informer was to have helped build the bomb and supply fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor.
* The Oklahoma City Bombing
A trial run for 9/11?

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9/11
Why was a Mossad surveillance team dancing with joy as the WTC burned? Why did bomb sniffing dogs react to their van when they were arrested? Why was another Israeli van ‘packed with tonnes of explosives’ stopped in New York on 9/11? Why were these men merely deported? Why did one of the men arrested say on his return home ‘Our purpose was to document the event’?

* Urban Moving Systems and Detained Israelis
Inspection of the tractor-trailer’s contents revealed a load three-quarters full containing household items, including furniture and boxes. Among the items in the truck was a Sony video camera. Plymouth Police Officer David McCann reviewed the tape found inside the camera. The tape had video footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots of the Sears Tower, according to police.
* FBI Fury As Men With Nuke Plans, Valid Israeli Passports Escape
The men were searched and questioned and the state officers discovered detailed plans and photographs of a nuclear power plant in Florida, along with box cutters-the weapons used in the September 11 attacks- and other equipment. The men, who appeared to be of Middle Eastern origin and held Israeli passports, were then interviewed by immigration officials.
* The Israeli Spy Ring
“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.” — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9/11.
* Cover-Up Alleged in Probe of USS Liberty
Evidence that Israel has previously attacked Americans with impunity.

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive
The FBI says there is no evidence to link the alleged 9/11 hijackers to the hijackings, so who really flew the planes?

* The Fatal Flaw in the 9/11 Coverup
After two and half years, with the whole world knowing that eight of the 19 names on the hijacker list are fraudulent, the FBI has made no attempt to substitute new names. And why is that? Because the identities of the hijackers were constructed with mostly stolen papers, for some of the patsies designed to take the heat. In any case, and whoever they were, there is no evidence they ever got on the planes.
* Flight 77 Hijacker Hani Hanjour: 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire
How did Hani Hanjour, a pilot who could barely fly a Cessna, handle a Boeing 757 with the expertise of a fighter pilot?

“Project Achilles” Finds 9/11 Cellphone Calls ‘Impossible’
Reports of cellphone calls from terrified passengers and crew members were a crucial element of the ‘official version’ of the events of ‘9/11’, as they corroborated claims that all four planes were hijacked by Arab terrorists. If, as experiments indicate, the cellphone calls were not possible, the entire ‘official version’ of events is open to question.

The 9/11 USAF Stand Down
What happened to the USAF on 9/11?

* The Smoke and Explosion on Flight 93
A passenger reports hearing an explosion and seeing white smoke in the cabin of the aircraft while it is still flying. This directly contradicts the official story of the crash.

The 9/11 Hijackings – An Inside Job?
Marvin Bush was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. All 9/11 airports were serviced by one Israeli company.

* The Pre-9/11 Shut Down of Arab Muslim Web Sites
If you are going to frame someone, you have to make certain they cannot speak in their own defense.
* 9/11 – Pure Coincidences?
* FEMA were in New York the Night Before 9/11
An internet rumor has been validated by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, so why did FEMA deny being in New York prior to 9/11?
* Foreign Currency Traders Profit from the WTC Collapses
Shortly before fleeing the World Trade Center on September 11th, foreign currency managers of First Equity Enterprises made themselves richer by 100 million dollars.
* 9/11 Inside Trades Lead to the CIA
One wonders how much damning evidence is necessary to respond to what is now irrefutable proof that CIA knew about the attacks and did not stop them. Whatever our government is doing, whatever the CIA is doing, it is clearly NOT in the interests of the American people, especially those who died on September 11.

9/11 – What did the government know, and when did it know it?
Bush and company are struggling to reaffirm the official story, that the US was caught by surprise, and the same Air Force that was able to intercept Payne Stewart’s plane just couldn’t get off the ground while four hijacked planes wandered out to Ohio before heading back to hit their targets on the East Coast, and all this was the work of a tiny group of Arab fanatics. If you believe that, I have a watch to sell you.

The Complete 9/11 Timeline
Like his father, Bush tries to keep a daily diary of his thoughts and observations. That night, he dictated:

“The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today.” [Washington Post]

* Pearl Harbor – The Mother of all Conspiracies
“…everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States…”

9/11 and Anthrax: Framing Arabs
The letters with the Anthrax came from inside the United States. Congress got their Anthrax letters just in time for the vote on the disingenuously named USA Patriot Act (aka the anti-terror bill) which the terrorized Senators voted into law without bothering to read. How convenient for the bill’s sponsors that there was a terror attack on the Congress just when Congress was about to vote on the anti-terror bill.

* The Hidden Anthrax Suspect
Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford’s predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992, apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack’s, according to a report filed by a security guard.
* The Great Anthrax Stock Swindle
At the time this article was written the same amount of the Anthrax treatment Cipro which sold for $20 in India sold for $690 in the US.
* The Mysterious Deaths of Top Microbiologists
What were these scientists able to do? Maybe blow the whistle if an artificially created disease was about to be used in a manner those who created it did not approve of. Regardless of the exact reason, there does seem to be a clear pattern of targeted microbiologists, and paired with it, an obvious government disinterest in the matter. I leave it to you to figure out why.

Is ‘Al Qaeda’ the Modern Incarnation of ‘Emmanuel Goldstein’?
The US government needed a new enemy. PNAC needed a new Pearl Harbor. On 9/11 they both got their wishes. Complete coincidence?

The Point of No Return
As Bush himself said, you are either with him or against him, and unless you are actively against him and his war machine, then he wins by default. Unless you stop them now, sooner or later, Bush and the NeoCons will succeed in turning this nation into the 21st century version of Nazi Germany, powered by fanatics so afraid to look in a mirror that they will inflict any pain on any people, rather than do so.
49. Why did all 19 names not appear on the passenger list 2 days after the hijacker list was released?

50. Why do none of the names appear on the passenger lists UA and AA gave to CNN?

51. How could the hijackers disable the defense systems?

52. Why did the FBI ignore Bin Laden’s family, who left the United States without further investigation?

53. What about the supposed hijackers who are still alive?

54. Was there a reason to change the list of the original 19 hijackers?

55. What happened to Ayub Ali Khan and Mohammed Jaweed Azmath, who have been in jail since September 2001, because of possession of box cutters on a train? Who gave the tip to arrest them?

56. Why did it take 4 months before Ramsi Binalschibhs name was mentioned, since he was a good friend of Mohammad Atta and lived in his apartment in Hamburg?

57. Why did it take 4 months until December 11 to charge Zacarias Moussaoui for the 9/11 attacks when his case was known worldwide for months, but not mentioned in the American media?

58. Whatever happened with Lotfi Raissi, who was arrested in UK for teaching the terrorist pilots?

59. What is the current status of the investigation of Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export-Company in Hamburg and Al Taqwa Management Organisation in Lugano?

60. Why was Richard Reid able to enter the Paris airport twice and who paid for his hotel?

61. Who hired Zacarias Massoui to learn how to fly passenger jets in the United States?

62. Why did the FBI or CIA fail to interrogate him between August and December 2001?


63. Did the CIA monitor Bin Laden in 1998 with the help of 15 Afghan agents, paid $1,000/ month?

64. Where are these agents? Was Johnny “Mike” Spann one? Was John Walker Lindh one?

65. Is an Afghan agent a member of the ISI? Is an Afghan agent working for Bin Laden?

66. When was the first time Tenet mentioned the Al-Qaeda group to any member of the Senate?

67. Why did the Pentagon release a new video version or translation of the Bin Laden Home video?

68. Why it was released only 8 hours after translation by the German magazine MONITOR on December ?

69. Why were the four translators prior US-Government workers?

70. When was the Bin Laden Home Video found and who found it?

71. Who found the video if Northern Alliance and US troops had not yet arrived in Kandahar or Jahalabad?

72. Does the timestamp on the Bin Laden video indicate that it was found two weeks after it was produced?

73. Why was the public not informed who found the video and when?

74. Why according to MONITOR magazine, were the most controversial statements translated incorrectly?

75. Why was the video released?

76. Who gave the final decision to release it?

77. Why is the Bin Laden video of June 2001 in which he praised the attack, available on the Internet?

78. What about Bin Laden’s statements on Al-Jazeera in June 2001 about the bombing of USS Cole, which are similar to the statements on the November 2001 home video?

79. Why did Bin Laden state in Umman Magazine in Sept. 2001, that he was not involved in the WTC?

80. Is Bin Laden still on the payroll of the CIA or ISI?

81. Did the Bin Laden Group Inc. help build ToraBora with the CIA?

82. What was the purpose of the meeting with General Pervez Musharraf in May 2001?

83. Why was a statement released that Al-Khalifa bin Laden, who is not the mother of Bin Laden, had a telephone call with Bin Laden on September 9, rather than Alia Ghanem, his mother? Why did Alia Ghanem say she did not believe he planned the attack?


100. What happened on September 18th, when an employee of Batelle Memorial Institute was involved in a so-called anthrax hoax on that day? Was he arrested?

101. Why did the investigation of that case begin in December 2001?

102. What was in the memo of Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a public health consumer advocate and author of “Death in the Air” on October 1, 2001, almost two weeks before the first anthrax letter was sent from Trenton to the American media building in Boca Raton?

103.What about his letter of Nov. 13 in which he claimed that BAYER is behind the anthrax infections?

104. Did US BioDefense laboratories send the anthrax-laced letters to get a new budget for research?

105. What about the statement of former UN-weapons inspector of Iraq, Richard Spertzel, who told ABC, “…he knows only five scientists in the USA who would be in the situation to produce such a fine, highly developed spore material”?

106. Why did it take 48 hours to inform Bob Stevens that he had anthrax?

107. Why were envelopes never found near Bob Stevens, Amelie Lundgren and Mia Nguyen?

108. How come Microsoft got a hoax anthrax letter from Malaysia on the same day that President Bush said Malaysia might be one of the next targets of the United States?

109. Why did the FBI never investigate the case Don Wiley, a Bioscientist who disappeared 11/13/01?

110. Why did the FBI begin to investigate after his body was found on December 22, 300 miles away? Was there an investigation at the military hydro plant where workers found him? Why did the media write different versions about how, when and where he was found? Why did the police report change 2 months later from suicide to an accident?

111. What was the goal of Bioport in 1997?

112.Did development of anti-anthrax vaccines begin in 1998?

113.When did Bioport decide to produce anthrax vaccines?

114. Was it before or after Sept. 1998 that Admiral Crowe was put in charge of investigations of the August 7, 1998 bombings of Embassy Nairobi and Embassy Dar Es Salaam?

115. Did the schedule for developing anti-anthrax vaccines begin starting in 1998?

116. When did the US Government ask Bayer for help in developing a vaccine?

117. When did Bayer start sending the vaccines to the U.S.?

118. When did Bayer double production of the vaccines?

119. Was the death of Vladimir Pasechnik investigated? He was former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations of the Soviet bio-warfare establishment Biopreparat in November 2001?

120. How are the deaths of scientists Robert M. Schwartz, Dr. Benito Que and Set Van Nguyen explained since all occurred in the same month? Is Set van Nguyen related to the anthrax victim Mia Nguyen?

121. What about the death of Nancy Sonnenfeld (FEMA-Wife)?

122. Why was the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife examining Anthrax in August 2000?

123. Do any employees in Trenton have the same handwriting as printed on the Anthrax envelopes?

124. Is it just a coincidence that the laboratory is also based in Trenton?

125. Did the FBI ever ask Fort Detrick to examine anthrax spores?

126. What about the list of 15-20 labs (maintained by Barbara Rosenzweig) who used Fort Detrick spores?

127. Does the CIA have spores different from those at Fort Detrick?

128. Why did Tommy Thompson, The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and other Bush cabinet members meet secretly (i.e. illegally) in Oct. 2001 with officials of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to develop plans for their Emergency Preparedness Task Force?

129. Why did he decide on October 25, 2001 to ask Congress for another $500 million to produce Acambis’s smallpox vaccine?

130. Why did it take 4.5 hours until Jean Marie Malecki , Director Palm Beach County Health Department, picked up the phone for employees of the AMI-Building, Boca Raton. This is where editor Bob Stevens got anthrax. Why did she wait two days before she visited that building again?

131. Did Walter Gilbert, Director Myriad Genetics ever get official permission from relatives of those killed at WTC to examine their DNA?


150. Why did General Mahmud Ahmad, former head of the ISI quit his position?

151. Why did retaliation against the Taliban begin the day he stepped down?

152. Who in the ISI paid $100.000 to Mohammad Atta?

153. Why does Ahmad think that another secret service was involved in the WTC attack? Which Secret Service was he referring to? Did other ISI official’s believe that? Did officials of the CIA believe that? Did some officials of the Mossad believe that?

154. What was the purpose of Ahmad’s visit to Washington on 9/11?

155. Who told Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov to abort an air strike against Afghanistan in May 2000?

156. Did Russian intelligence notify the CIA in 2001 that 25 terrorist pilots had been training for suicide missions, as reported in the Russian press?


1. What did Kissinger mean that an “outside threat from beyond”, a “world government” and “individual rights” who are “willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted”, what you mentioned in 1991 on a Bilderberg Conference?

2. What was his role at UNOCAL?

3. What did he discuss at the Bilderberg meeting last year in May 2001?

4. What was the purpose of his meeting with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov in July 2001?

5. Why does he write in “Toward a New Diplomacy for the 21st Century” that America doesn’t need a Foreign Policy?

6. When was the last time Henry Kissinger met US-Ambassador in Pakistan, Robert Oakley?


1. Is it true that the CIA is in possession of PROMIS software?

2. What is the purpose of PROMIS?

3. Did A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard, CIA, own any stocks of United Airlines, American Airlines, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re (insurance) which owns 25% of American Airlines, and Munich Re.?

4. What is his connection to Alex Brown, Deutsche Bank?

5. Did he give any insider information about to George Tenet, CIA?

6. Who was the investor who purchased 2,000 UAL put options between August and September 11, 2001?

7. Did Deutsche Bank-Alex Brown own any stocks of UA, AA, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re (insurance) which owns 25% of American Airlines, and Munich Re?

8. What about the 2,500 UA-contracts which were “split into 500 chunks each, directing each order to different U.S. exchanges around the country simultaneously.” on August 10, 2001?

9. Did Deutsche purchase UAL options in August 2001?

10. Why did DB-AB purchase 4,744 put options on United Air Lines stock as opposed to only 396 call s on September 6-7? What was the purpose of doing that?

11. What is the connection to Wally Kromgaard?

12. Did Deutsche Bank or Wally Kromgaard purchase 4,516 put options on American Airlines as compared to 748 call options on September 10?

13. What was the reason of Mayo Shattuck III re-asssignment on September 15th?


1. When was the last time they met any representatives of the US-Government?

2. What was the purpose of these meetings?

3. Did the Taliban know Karl E. Inderfurth and State Department counterterrorism chief Michael Sheehan?

4. Do they know which US-Representative said in February 2001: “Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs”?

5. When was the last time the Taliban was in touch with this representative?

6. Did Abdul Haq, the former Mujahedin leader executed Sept 2001 by the Taliban, decide in Winter 2000 to attack the Taliban?

7. Did production of opium in Afghanistan fall from 3276 tonnes in 2000 to 185 tonnes in 2001?


1. Was Global Hawk technology able to remotelycontrol unmanned planes in 1999 for 27 hours?

2. Did Northrop-Grumman use Global Hawk technology in the war in Afghanistan since October 2001?

3. What is the purpose of unmanned technology?

4. Is Northrup in contact with any engineers of Boeing?

5. Did Northrup install Global Hawk technology in a commercial airplane?


1. Did two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive in the Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani coast before 9/11?

2. Did 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation ‘Bright Star’ on 9/11? What was the purpose of both of these operations?


1. When did Tommy Franks learn that he would use Thermobarics in ToraBora?

2. Does he know if it had been tested on December 12 in Nevada?

3. Who told Franks that Bin Laden might hide in ToraBora?

4. Is the main purpose of Thermobarics to destroy buried bio and chemical stocks?

5. When was the first time Franks used Thermobarics? Was it before or after the announcement of the end of ABM Treaty on December 11?

6. When did the US decide to use B61-11, the “nuclear version” of its “conventional” BLU-113 counterpart?

7. Why has the NSA destroyed data collected on Americans or US companies since the Sept. 11 attacks?


1. Why did Clinton abort an attack on Bin Laden in October 1999?

2. Who was responsible for that operation?

3. Why was the operation put on hold?

4. Why did Musharraf halt a covert operation to attack Bin Laden in October 1999?

5. Why did the GOP in Congress stop almost every move Clinton made against terrorism? They refused to believe reports and pass necessary legislation. In 1996 Clinton proposed a very extensive anti-terrorism regulation.


1. Who hired Richard Reid to threaten a passenger plane in Paris?

2. Who did he send an email to in Pakistan?

3. Has he ever been in touch with the ISI or CIA?

4. Did he know the difference between an explosive and a detonator?

5. How many ounces did he have in his shoes?

6. What size are his shoes?

7. Who build or prepared his shoes?


1. Has John Walker Lindh ever been in touch with the CIA?

2. Did he ever work for the CIA?

3. Who arrested him in 2001?

4. Why didn’t he escape in the tumult to nearby Masar-e-Sharif?

5. Who hired his lawyer, Richard Brohanan? Who paid his lawyer?

6. Why didn’t he go to Guantanamo Bay?


1. When did Cheney stop working for Halliburton?

2. Is he still in possession of any Halliburton stock?

3. Is he still in contact with Halliburton?

4. Was Halliburton invited to an oil conference in May 2002?

5. Does Cheney know when that meeting was planned?

6. Did Cheney have influence concerning Halliburton contracts with the Pentagon?

7. What exactly did Cheney decide to do on September 11th?

8. Did he speak with an Air Force Commander or Lt. Gen. Charles F. Wald on that day?

9. When did he inform the president about the hijacked airplanes on September 11?

10. Who called the White House on September 11 at 9:30 AM about a possible threat?

11. Why was no air security at the White House or the Pentagon at 9:30 AM?

12. When and who gave the approval to evacuate the White House at 9:45 AM?

13. What was the purpose of a meeting with Indian opposition leader Sonia Gandhi in June 2001 about a multimillion-dollar debt owed to Enron from a major energy project in Indian Power Plants?

14. When was the last time Cheney spoke with anyone from ENRON?


1. What was the role of Colin Powell?

2. Who decided to give $43 million in aid to the Taliban regime in May 2001?

3. Did he know that production of opium in Afghanistan fell from 3276 tonnes in 2000 to 185 in 2001?

4. What was the purpose of his decision to treat the Taliban prisoners as War Prisoners? Is this decision in any way related to media reports 2 days earlier that Powell may have been involved in negotiations with Indian Power Plants?

5. What was the purpose of his short trip to Latin America on September 11?

6. Who decided that he fly to Latin America on that day?

7. Why would someone threaten him in Afghanistan on January 17, 2002 as Newsweek reported?

8. What was the purpose of Powell meeting with India’s foreign minister on April 6, 2001?

9. Did Enron or Cheney ask Powell to help collect a $64 million debt on an Indian plant project?


1. When was the last time George H.W. Bush traveled to South Arabia on behalf of the Carlyle Group?

2. What was the purpose of that meeting?


1. Is Thomas White still in contact with ENRON?

2. Did his contact at anytime influence his decisions?

3. Does he still own ENRON stocks?


1. Did Vreeland warn Canadian Intelligence in May 2001 about possible terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon?

2. Did he place the warning in an envelope while in prison in Toronto, Canada?

3. Where did he get his information?

4. Whom did he give the envelope to?

5. Why was he placed in jail?


1.Was the domain created on September 11th, 2000?

2. Who paid for that domain?

3. Are they also owners of Iridium Satellites?

4. When did they end contact with relatives of the Bush family?


1. When was the last time George H.W. Bush traveled to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the U.S.?

2. What was the purpose of that meeting?

3. When did he resign from Carlyle Group?

4. Is he still in touch with any of their representatives?


1. Did Lander monitor a phone conversation between Zacarias Moussaoui and Richard Reid in Dec. 2000?

2. What did Lander tell representatives of the CIA about Zacarias Moussaoui?

3. Why did he stop monitoring Djamel Beghal, member of Takfir-wal-Hijra (financed by Osama bin Laden) in August 2001?


1. Did Bin Laden in July 2001 enter an American hospital in Dubai?

2. Did he arrive on July 4, 2001 on a flight from Qetta, Pakistan to American Hospital?

3. Was he at the hospital July 4-11, 2001?

4. Did Bernard Koval, CEO of American Hospital, ever speak with Doctor Terry Callaway about that visit?

5. Why did he change his statements about this story not being true and that he “asked around”?

6. What is the difference between Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis and Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis?

7. Did Koval know Larry Stevens?

8. Can Koval explain why Richard Labeviere, author of “Terror Dollars” (about illegal Al-Qaeda accounts), wrote the story about Osama Bin Laden’s kidney operation?


1. What exactly happened on September 11 and at what time was President Bush informed?

2. Why was President Bush scheduled to visit a school in Florida?

3. Who scheduled the time of the visit?

4. When exactly did Bush learn about the first crash into the WTC?

5. How could he have seen that on TV?

6. Why didn’t he interrupt his school meeting as soon as he learned of the first plane crash?

7. Did Bush ever wonder how Bin Laden was able to hear the first plane crash live on the radio?

8. Which radio station he was listening to?

9. Can Bush explain how Bin Laden’s Home Video was found only two weeks after it was produced?

10. Why did Bush decide to release Bin Laden’s Home Video?

11. What is the purpose of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC) in Fort Benning, Georgia, where terrorists have been trained for undercover agents in South America? Bush stated “if any government sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocents, they have become outlaws and murderers themselves”. So what does he think about Fort Benning?

12. What is the role of Zalmay Khalilzad (former UNOCAL) in the National Security Council ?

13. What is the current role of Zalmay Khalilzad (former UNOCAL) in Afghanistan?

14. When was Bush’s last contact with anyone from ENRON?

15. Why was China admitted to the WTO on September 13 after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts?

16. Why did Bush postpone the release of Ronald Reagan’s records?

17. How does Bush feel about the need to investigate the CIA’s mistakes?

18. Does Bush agree with senators John McCain, Joseph I. Lieberman, Porter J. Goss, former C.I.A. clandestine case officer and a Florida Republican, Richard C. Shelby and Ron Paul, US Congressman, who want an investigation and have said “Secret government is winning out over open government”?

19. Why did Bush continue to sit in that classroom reading to children when he should have been conferring with his advisors?

20. Why did Bush say that he and Card initially thought it was an accident involving a small plane?

21. Given all the information sources available to the POTUS and his staff how could his people not have known the kind of plane involved?

22. Why didn’t they know at this point, as did the FAA and NORAD, that aircraft were hijacked? The Batallion Chief in the 9/11 video was seen and heard asking for military backup immediately after the building was hit.

23. How come the NYFD knew it was terrorism right away but the POTUS and his aides just calmly went about their business?


1. Were 25,000 British troops and the largest British Armada since the Falkland Islands War, part of Operation ‘Essential Harvest’ pre-positioned in Oman, the closest point on the Arabian Peninsula to Pakistan before September 11, 2001?

2. When did he begin to place SIS-Special Forces in Afghanistan? Why?


1. Did Gloria Irish own unit 1504 at the Delray Racquet Club, 755 Dotterel?

2. Did she rent that property to Hamza Alghamdi in August 2001?

3. Why did the media not report about a connection of the Sun-Sentinel and the hijackers?

4. Why did it first appear that the hijackers had something to do with the anthrax attacks?

5. Why has this connection or coincidence never appeared in the media again?

6. What was the connection between husband Michael Irish (SunSentinel) and Bob Stevens (who died from Anthrax)?


1. When did Vladimir Putin warn the CIA about a possible terrorist attack and what was their reaction?

2. What was the purpose of the meeting between Christina Rocca, director of Asian affairs at the State Department and the Taliban ambassador Mollah Abdul Salam Zaeef in Islamabad in August 2001?

3. Why did she oversee the delivery of Stinger missiles in the 80s to Afghan mujaheddin?

4. Did Walid Arkeh in Seminole County jail inform the FBI in August 2001 about an attack on America? What was the reaction of the FBI?

5. Why did Dr. Jeffrey Starr, U.S. department of defense, visit Tajikistan in Jan 2001?

6. When did Jean-Claude Cousseran, Director DGSE , French Secret Service inform the CIA about terrorist attacks on America? What was their reaction?

7. What does he know about the monitoring of Djamel Beghal, member of Takfir-wal-Hijra (financed by Osama bin Laden) and Kamel Daoudi? Did he ever inform the CIA about that? And when?

8. When did Italian Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini inform the CIA about a possible attack on the American president “with the use of an airplane”? What was their reaction?

9. When did President Mubarak, Egypt, inform the CIA about a possible attack on America with an “airplane stuffed with explosives”? What was their reaction?

10. When did Efraim Halevy , Director of Mossad since 1998 (unconfirmed) inform the CIA about a possible attack with “200 terrorists” on America? What was their reaction?

11. Is it true he warned Ariel Sharon not to travel to New York on September 11 to speak at a festival?

12. Did a caller to Loxley Banks, Director Radio Cayman Islands talk show, give several warnings of an imminent attack on the U.S on Sept. 3 -10?

13. The London Times reported that someone from the FAA warned Salman Rushdie not to travel to the United States on September 3rd? If this is true, who was it?

14. Did the FBI investigate the two men who met Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi in Harry’s Bar at the Helmsley Hotel in Manhattan on September 8, 2001?

15. Who does Abdullah Abdullah (Northern Alliance) believe killed Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud on September 9, 2001?

16. When and why did he decide to attack Kabul on September 11 at 5:30 PM?

17. When did he decide to invade Masar-i-Scharif

18. Did the CIA helped him provoke a tumult?

19. Did he ever meet John Walker Lindh?

20. Why was Major John Kenny, Commander Wright Patterson Air Base, Dayton placed on high alert on September 10? Did he inform companies in Dayton to shutdown their offices?

21. Why was Colonel William M. Dietrick , Commander Defense Language Institute in Garrison, Monterey on high alert on September 10?

22. Why did one of Kenneth (Ken) Weinbrecht (President SAMS ) executives say on September 10, that he was a ‘Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.'”

23. Did Jean-Louis Bruguiere, French anti-terrorism, inform the CIA on September 10 about a possible terrorist attack? If so, what was their reaction?

24. Why did Atta and hijacker Abdulaziz Alomari check into a Portland, Maine motel (unidentified) on September 10?

25. Why was the Portland, Airport, according to eye-witnesses, in full charge of more military officials and soldiers than usual, weeks before September 11, 2001?

26. Why, as the San Francisco Chronicle reported, was Mayor Brown warned to be “cautious in your travel” the night of September 10? Who warned him?

27. Why did Alex Diamandis, Odigo Vice President of Sales and Marketing, receive a warning on his messenger service about a possible attack on America on September 11, 2001? At which time?

28. When did Dr.August Hanning , President BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst Germany) inform the CIA that “Middle Eastern terrorists are ‘planning to hijack commercial aircraft ?” What was their reaction? Did he allow an Iranian prisoner in Hamburg call to the CIA in Summer 2001 about an attack on America? What was their reaction?


1. Why did Kenneth Waldie, Stanley Hall, Herbert Homer and Peter Gay of Raytheon travel on Sept. 11?

2. Can Global Hawk technology be used for at least 27 hours?

3. Is Global Hawk technology used in commercial airplanes?

4. Did Danielle O’Brien, air traffic controller, inform another air traffic control center about a plane traveling fast southwest of Dulles after spotting it 8:18 AM on September 11?

5. Who was informed and what happened?


1. Why didn’t Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary of the Air Force try to reach the airplanes in NYC (7 minutes time for McGuire AFB in New Jersey ) and at the Pentagon (10 minutes time)?

2. Did Roche ever try to shutdown the plane in Pennsylvania?

3. Can Roche explain why magazines of that plane were found 20 miles away from the crash? Andrews AFB is 13 miles away. He had one hour and fifteen minutes to respond to the plane that hit the Pentagon. What happened during that time?

4. Can he explain why many ear and eye witnesses, including workers of the road construction company New Enterprise saw or heard F-16 jets?

5. Why did President Bush say only one week later that he tried to shutdown that plane?

6. Who gave that decision?


1. Why did George Bush leave Barksdale Air Force Base aboard Air Force One and flew to an Air Force base in Nebraska on 1:48 PM on September 11 and returned to Washington at 4:30 PM?

2. What exactly did Donald Rumsfeld do that day before he arrived at the Pentagon around 3:55 PM?

3. How did Rumsfeld know at 5:30 PM on September 11 that the plane in Pennsylvania could have been headed for one of three possible targets: Camp David, the White House or the U.S. Capitol building?

4. Can he explain why early media reports told us that no squadrons of combat-ready fighter jets have been at Andrews and later changed their reports that they haven’t been on high alert only?

5. Why was Air Force Lt. Col. Vic Warzinski, another Pentagon spokesman, so sure on September 11 that aircraft was coming your way?

6. What did the D.C. Air National Guard in Washington do on September 11?

7. Can he explain what those 3 fighters did from 9:40AM until 9:55AM when they finally turned towards Flight 93 and were 60 miles out at 10:06am?

8. Can he explain why Air Traffic Controllers in a Nashua Telegraph article did report an F-16 was circling Flight 93 and was in visual range at the time of crash?

9. Can he confirm a witness report that National Guard F-16’s have been at Hancock field in Syracuse NY in the air early that morning before 9AM?

10. How could the hijackers know how to disable defense systems?

11. What was the official reason that fighters of the 305th Air Wing, McGuire Air Force Base, NJ did not intercept the 2nd hijacked plane in NYC? This would have been possible within 7 minutes after 8:48 AM.

12. Why did none of the 459th Aircraft Squadron (Andrews AFB) fighters intercept the plane which crashed into the Pentagon? Andrews AFB is 10 miles from Washington DC.

13. Col. Ken McClellan, Air Force spokesman said on September 11, that Mohammad Atta attended the International Officer’s School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, and was seen by eye-witnesses? What was McClellan doing there? Why did he later deny the report?

14. Why did he decide not to shutdown ECHELON base Bad Aibling in Germany as planned for 2002?

15. What is the reason that none of any Air Force fighters reached the hijacked plane in time?

16. Many ear and eye witnesses think that the plane in Pennsylvania was shot down. What is the scientific explanation why the magazine of the airplane was found many miles away?

17. Why did Jack Kelly,, inform USA Today only 12 minutes after the first crash (8:48AM), that terror groups using Web encryption may have been responsible? And why was he so sure before the second crash at 9:03 PM?

18. Did Kelly serve with the U.S. government where he managed several significant programs for the information warfare and intelligence communities?

19. Did Joseph J. Esposito, Chief of NYPD try to contact the Pentagon at 9:06 AM on September 11? What was their reaction?

20. Why didn’t General Elwood “Pete” Quesada of the FAA inform President Bush between 8:15 and 9:05 about four simultaneously hijacked planes? Who did he inform and what was their reaction?


1. What does Nicholas Scoppetta of FDNY know about the latest reports of the WTC destruction?

2. Can he explain why many witnesses saw and heard more than two explosions in the WTC?

3. Can he explain why both Twin Towers and Building 7 collapsed in that way?

4. Can he explain why a gas tank was in Building 7?

5. Can he explain why there were no passengers in the subway under the WTC?

6. Can he explain why there was no guard at the gold reservoir under the WTC?

7. Why did Dr. Jeffrey P. Koplan, Director CDC prepare, as CNN reported, emergency-response teams on September 11 at 11:16 PM?


1. When did Dr.August Hanning , President BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst Germany) inform the CIA that “Middle Eastern terrorists are ‘planning to hijack commercial aircraft ?” What was their reaction? Did he allow an Iranian prisoner in Hamburg call to the CIA in Summer 2001 about an attack on America? What was their reaction?

2. When did Tayseer Allouni , Kabul correspondent Al-Jazeera, receive his first video from Bin Laden? Can he explain why the first video on October 7 2001, the day of the retaliation, looked like it was recorded in the morning?

3. Did Tom Simmons (former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia) decide or announce in a July 2001 meeting that an attack was planned on the Taliban in October 2001?

4. Why did Ms. Barbara Bodine, US ambassador to Yemen stop John O’Neill from investigating Al-Quaeda accounts in July 2001?

5. Did Niaz Niak, former Pakistani Foreign Secretary say in mid July 2001 that the USA planned military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban?

6. Did Hameed Gul, retired Pakistani general of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence, say that a secret service was involved in the attack on America?

7. Why did Tommy Thompson, The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and other Bush cabinet members meet secretly (i.e. illegally) in Oct. 2001 with officials of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to develop plans for their Emergency Preparedness Task Force? Why did he decide on October 25, 2001 to ask Congress for another $500 million to produce Acambis’s smallpox vaccine?

8. Why did it take 4.5 hours until Jean Marie Malecki , Director Palm Beach County Health Department, picked up the phone for employees of the AMI-Building, Boca Raton. This is where editor Bob Stevens got anthrax. Why did she wait two days before she visited that building again?

9. Why did Mayor Guilani sell WTC rubble to India for recycling and also China? Who made that decision?

10. What was the purpose of U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain’s phone call on October 10, 2001 to the Pakistani oil minister? Why was she sure that a previously abandoned Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast for the purpose of selling oil and gas to China, was back on the table in view of recent geopolitical developments?

11. What exactly was found on Z. Moussaoui’s computer after 9/11, when local agents were given a Federal Intelligence Security Act (FISA) warrant, which they had requested six weeks previously? This ties directly into the question of the administration’s dealings with the Taliban, its reluctance to investigate Saudi nationals, etc.

12. Why the attack on Cynthia McKinney for asking: 1) why has there been no investigation of the 9-11 attack? and 2) did Bush/CIA/NSA know of it beforehand, and allow it to happen?

13. Why is the Bush administration so strongly against a real investigation into the events of 9-11?

14. Why did the US give 43 million dollars to Afghanistan back in May or June of 2001

15. Why did Bush toss the Hart-Rudman terror security study (developed over a 2 year period) and instead assign responsibility to Cheney and FEMA?

16. Why did Ashcroft stops flying commercial, citing an unidentified “threat” in July 2001? Why did the FBI and Justice not identify the form, origin and time of the threat?

17. Why did Bush stay in Texas for the month of August and Cheney in Wyoming?

18. Why didn’t the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom a half-second after Andy Card told him, “Mr. pResident, the nation is under attack”?

19. Why did they leave him exposed to danger for two and a half minutes in the classroom and another half-hour in the school before he returned to the relative safety of Air Force One?

20. Where was George H. W. Bush at the time of the attacks?

21. Why did passengers or crewmembers on three of the flights tell people on the ground that the highjackers had “box cutters”?

22. Where are the flight recorders?

23. How did they find a passport that just “happens” to belong to one of the hijackers in the WTC rubble and they can’t locate even ONE flight recorder?

24. Why no investigative reporting of the Pentagon scene? The photos do not show much, but then photographers were not allowed, initially, to photograph the scene, if I remember correctly.

25. Why was the series of recommendations Al Gore also put together in 1996 on airport security called by Republican congress “paranoid” and too harsh. Why did the airline industry, lobbying against it, consider it too expensive and impractical.

26. Why was the Hart-Rudman report on the potential dangers of terrorism in the homeland. The results of the research ignored by Bush?

27. Why were FISA warrants disallowed by Bush?

28. Why did the US pull the plug on Muslim websites Monday September 10, 2001?

29. Why did the Saudi bin-Laden-group have a website with a PRE-SET expiration date of Sept. 11, 2001?

30. Why were the bin Ladens flown out of the U.S. on private jets the day after the 9/11?

31. Why did Cheney say that everyone in the White House started taking Cipro on September 12 when the first anthrax letter wasn’t postmarked until September 18?

32. Why did Bush dissolve the Bin Laden Task Force? What would have happened had this focused and knowledgeable group been in place 9 months before 911?

33. Why was metallic debris found 8 miles from the crash site of the plane that went down in Penn? They said it went straight down and left a small hole in the ground. If they found metallic debris from the plane 8 miles away it was either shot down or a bomb exploded in the plane.

34. Why did they not let the media or any reporters take video or photos of the crash site?

source :

Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 21, 2009

Judaism: Evil and Violent!

You be the judge!
May the Holy Name visit retribution on the Arabs’ heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them, and cause them to be vanquished and cause them to be cast from the world. It is forbidden to be merciful to them, you must give them missiles, with relish – annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones.” – Ultra-Orthodox Shas Party spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, in a sermon, 8 April 2001. He has also called Arabs “snakes” whom “God regrets having created”.

Terrorist Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

Terrorist Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel… Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.” Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Occupation Forces – Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983
Nazi Rafael Eitan

Nazi Rafael Eitan

[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs.” Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, ‘Begin and the “Beasts”‘, New Statesman, 25 June 1982
Terrorist Menachem Begin

Terrorist Menachem Begin

Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir’s infamous quote: “There is no such thing as a Palestinian.
Nazi Golda Meir

Nazi Golda Meir

Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of his memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979. His description of the conquest of Lydda after Plan Dalet: “We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters.”
Nazi Yitzhak Rabin

Nazi Yitzhak Rabin

Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours… Everything we don’t grab will go to them.” Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, at a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.
Murderer and Israeli Gestapo Ariel Sharon

Murderer and Israeli Gestapo Ariel Sharon

When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” – Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Occupation Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983
We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” Israel Koenig, “The Koenig Memorandum”

And these barbarians and thugs think that God is on their side?

source :

Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 19, 2009

Apa itu Illuminati?

Illuminati adalah sebuah persaudaraan kuno yang pernah ada dan diyakini masih tetap ada sampai sekarang walaupun tidak ada bukti – bukti nyata keberadaan persaudaraan ini sampai saat ini. Illuminati berarti Pencerahan Baru. Para penganut Illuminati disebut Illuminatus yang berarti Yang Tercerahkan. Illuminati sebelumnya bernama Perfectibilists didirikan oleh Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811) seorang keturunan Yahudi yang lahir dan besar di Ingolstadt, memiliki latar belakang pendidikan sebagai seorang Jesuit yang lalu menjadi seorang pendeta Katolik dan selanjutnya mengorganisasi House of Rothschild. Illuminatus adalah orang – orang yang mencari jawaban apa yang disebut agama sebagai misteri Tuhan. Menurut mereka dengan ilmu pengetahuan tidak ada lagi misteri Tuhan, semua ada jawabannya. Salah seorang Illuminatus yang terkenal adalah Galilei Galileo seorang ahli antropologi yang terpaksa harus dihukum rumah seumur hidup oleh gereja akibat membuat pernyataan bahwa pusat alam semesta yang bukan bumi adalah matahari. Pernyataan tersebut dianggap menyinggung gereja karena secara tidak langsung menyatakan bahwa Tuhan dengan sengaja menempatkan pusat kehidupan di planet lain. Sejak saat itu illuminatus diburu oleh para kaum gereja. Mereka diburu dan diberi stamp salib didada mereka baru kemudian dibunuh. Illuminati kemudian bergerak dari bawah tanah sebagai sebuah kelompok rahasia yang paling dicari oleh gereja. Para illuminatus yang melarikan diri kemudian bertemu dengan kelompok rahasia lainnya yaitu kelompok ahli batu yang bernama Freemasonry atau lebih sering disebut sebagai kelompok Mason.

Sejak bergabung dengan kelompok Freemasonry, illuminati menjadi semakin kuat karena dibantu oleh jaringan kelompok Freemasonry yang sepertinya tidak menyadari telah dijadikan alat transportasi aman oleh illuminati. Illuminati terus diburu oleh gereja. Mereka dicap sebagai penganut paham Luciferian Conspiracy. Lucifer sering dikaitkan dengan setan. Sehingga illuminati juga disebut sebagai kelompok saithan. Sebutan ini menjadi asal kata satan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berarti setan. Walaupun demikian mereka bukanlah pemuja setan, hal tersebut hanya propaganda gereja kepada Illuminati agar mereka semakin diyakini sebagai musuh masyarakat.

Sejak 1782 gerakan Illuminati menyebar dari Denmark sampai ke Portugal, bahkan lebih jauh lagi. Orang-orang Inggris yang terilluminasi bergabung dengan orang-orang Amerika membangun Loji Columbia di kota New York pada tahun yang sama. Seorang bangsawan muda Rusia, Alexander Radischev, bergabung di Leipzieg, dan menyebarkan doktrinnya ke kampung halamannya di St. Petersburg. Di Lisabon seorang penyair bernama Claudio Manuel da Costa menjadi anggota, dan ketika hijrah ke Brazil ia mendirikan sebuah cabang dengan dibantu dua orang dokter dari Ouro Preto, Domingos Vidal Barbarosa dan Jose Alvares Maciel. Pada tahun 1788 trio ini melancarkan pemberontakan Illuminati yang pertama, Inconfidencia Mineira, tetapi pemberontakan itu ditumpas ketika baru saja berputik oleh raja muda Marquis de Barbacena.

Johann Adam Weishaupt (Ingolstadt, 6 Februari 1748 – Gotha, 18 November 1830) adalah seorang Jerman, pendiri Ordo Illuminati. Walaupun dibesarkan di lingkungan Yesuit, pada akhirnya ia menyimpang dari ajaran ordo tersebut dan pada 1 Mei 1776, dengan bantuan Adolph Freiherr Knigge, ia mendirikan suatu ordo baru “Order of Perfectibilists” yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan nama Illuminati. Ordo ini memiliki misi untuk menghapuskan semua pemerintahan monarki dan agama. Adam Weishaupt adalah sosok manusia yang paling dikenal di kalangan zionis dan freemason. Tidak ada revolusi apa pun pada abad ini kecuali dihubungkan dengan nama dan cita-citanya. Revolusi Perancis, Revolusi Bolshevik Rusia; selalu berakhir pada mata rantai pemikiran dan strategi brilian dari pemikirannya.

Pada awalnya, dia adalah seorang pastor Katolik yang kemudian membelot menjadi pelopor yang paling gigih dalam menentang agama Kristen serta agama lainnya. Gerakan rahasia Iluminati berkembang dengan jaringan yang “menggurita” dikarenakan dukungan dari keluarga Rothchild. Meyer Amschel Rothchild (1743-1812) merupakan tokoh perbankan yang sangat dominan di Jerman dan disebut sebagai dinasti, karena keturunannya memegang jaringan kerajaan dunia perbankan di Eropa dengan ambisi- ambisinya untuk menguasai perekonomian dunia. Salah satu ucapan Rothchild yang terkenal adalah:

“Beri aku kesempatan untuk mengendalikan ekonomi suatu bangsa, dan aku tidak akan pedulikan siapa yang berkuasa (give me control over a nations economic, and I don’t care who writes its laws).”

Motto Rothchild ini memberikan kekuatan serta dorongan seluruh anggota Iluminati untuk tidak melewatkan segala aspek yang menggiring mereka pada diktator ekonomi yang mampu menguasai dan mengendalikan pemerintahan di pelosok dunia. Bahkan, salah satu Presiden Amerika ke-20, yaitu [[James Abram Garfield]] yang juga anggota Iluminati berkata:

“Barangsiapa mengendalikan uang atau perekonomian suatu bangsa, maka ia akan menguasai bangsa tersebut (whomever that control the money or economic of nation, they would control the nation too).”

Adam Weishaupt juga seorang Jesuit, profesor di bidang hukum dan mengajar di Universitas Ingoldstadt, Bavaria, Jerman, sampai tahun 1770. Kekecewaan dirinya terhadap dogma-dogma Kristen Katolik menyebabkan dirinya keluar dari jabatannya sebagai pastor dan mulai mengabdikan diri pada gerakan zionis untuk mendirikan satu pemerintahan dunia (one world government) yang dipercaya akan menegakkan martabat manusia dengan menghapuskan agama di muka bumi, kecuali paham setan (abolition of all religion, except satanism).

Jabatannya sebagai pastor dan Jesuit ditinggalkannya karena merasa bertentangan dengan pemikirannya yang bersifat kosmopolitan dan universalitas. Hal ini merupakan awal dari terbentuknya ordo Iluminasi. Dikatakan oleh Albert G. Mackey:

“Weishaupt yang berpandangan kosmopolitan yang mengetahui ajaran tahayul para pastor yang sewenang-wenang di bidang hukum, telah mendirikan partai oposisi di Universitas. Ini adalah awal rencana Iluminasi atau ‘penerangan’. (Weishaupt whose views were cosmopolitan and who new condemned the bigotry and supertision of the priest, established opposing party in the university. This is the beginning of the order of Illuminati or the enlightened).”

Setelah keluar dari gereja Katolik, gereja mengklaim dia mendirikan jaringan konspirasi baru yang disebut dengan Luciferian Conspiracy serta Gereja Setan (The Synagogue of Satan). Ditambahkan menurutnya, setan bukanlah makhluk yang hina, melainkan kekuatan yang melambangkan kejujuran, keberanian, dan kebebasan. Setan sebagai makhluk telah mendapatkan pengampunan Tuhan dan sebagai bukti penebusannya setan ingin menyelamatkan manusia. Ajaran ini ditanamkan kepada para anggota Iluminasi bahwa paham Satanism merupakan bentuk evolusi kemanusiaan, lambang kebebasan manusia, dan mencakup jaringan denyut kehidupan dunia secara global (Satanism is about the evolution of humanity and the promotion of freedom on individual and global scales). Banyak yang menganggap ini hanyalah propaganda gereja kepada kaum illuminasi

Selama lima tahun dia menyusun buku yang berjudul [[The Novus Ordo Seclorum]] yang berisi konsep-konsep, doktrin, serta teori tentang pemerintahan global. Buku tersebut selesai pada tanggal 1 Mei 1776. Sebagai penghormatan terhadap dirinya, tanggal 1 Mei dijadikan sebagai hari perayaan Komunis di seluruh dunia. Menurut Myron Pagan, langkah-langkah strategis yang ditulis Weishaupt untuk mewujudkan ambisinya tersebut antara lain, sebagai berikut.

l. Iluminasi harus menguasai para pejabat tinggi pemerintahan dari beberapa tingkatan jabatan, bila perlu dilakukan cara-cara kotor dengan menyogok, baik dengan uang maupun perempuan. (Monetary and sex bribery was to used to obtain control of men already in high places in the various levels of all governments and other field of endeavor).

2. Iluminasi melakukan perekrutan terhadap aktivis mahasiswa yang potensial, yang mempunyai bakat dan dari keturunan yang unggul untuk dilatih sebagai anggata Iluminasi yang prospektif di masa depan. (The Illuminati who were on the faculty of colleges and universities were to cultivate students processing exceptional mental ability and who belong to well-bred families with international leanings and recommend them for special training in internationalism).

3. Mereka yang sudah terperangkap dalam jaringan Iluminasi, termasuk mahasiswa yang telah dilatih dan diberikan pengetahuan khusus tentang dunia internasional, serta cita-cita Iluminasi akan dijadikannya sebagai agen Iluminasi di beberapa negara dan ditempatkan sebagai staf ahli atau spesialis yang mendampingi pejabat kunci pemerintah. (All influential people who were trapped to come under the control of Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialist).

4. Iluminasi akan menguasai seluruh saluran media massa, baik media elektronik maupun cetak, memiliki dan mengontrolnya pemerintah sedemikian rupa sebagai satu-satunya solusi sehingga mampu membentuk opini publik. (They were to obtain absolute control of the press so that all news and information could be slanted to convince the masses that a one word government is the only solution to our many and varied problems. They were also to own and control all the national radio and TV channels).

source :

Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 19, 2009

Are You Ready to Face the Facts About Israel?


Golda Meir

“On October 21 (1948) the Government of Israel took a decision that was to have a lasting and divisive effect on the rights and status of those Arabs who lived within its borders: the official establishment of military government in the areas where most of the inhabitants were Arabs.”
Martin Gilbert, Israel: a History

I had given up on finding an American with a moral conscience and the courage to go with it and was on the verge of retiring my keyboard when I met the Rev. Thomas L. Are.

Rev. Are is a Presbyterian pastor who used to tell his Atlanta, Georgia, congregation: “I am a Zionist.” Like most Americans, Rev. Are had been seduced by Israeli propaganda and helped to spread the propaganda among his congregation.

Around 1990 Rev. Are had an awakening for which he credits the Christian Canon of St. George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem and author Marc Ellis, co-editor of the book, Beyond Occupation.

Realizing that his ignorance of the situation on the ground had made him complicit in great crimes, Rev. Are wrote a book hoping to save others from his mistake and perhaps in part to make amends, Israeli Peace Palestinian Justice, published in Canada in 1994.

Rev. Are researched his subject and wrote a brave book. Keep in mind that 1994 was long prior to Walt and Mearsheimer’s recent book, which exposed the power of the Israel Lobby and its ability to control the explanation Americans receive about the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Rev. Are begins with an account of Israel’s opening attack on the Palestinians, an event which took place before most Americans alive today were born. He quotes the distinguished British historian, Arnold J. Toynbee: “The treatment of the Palestinian Arabs in 1947 (and 1948) was as morally indefensible as the slaughter of six million Jews by the Nazis. Though nor comparable in quantity to the crimes of the Nazis, it was comparable in quality.”

Golda Meir, considered by Israelis as a great leader and by others as one of history’s great killers, disputed the facts: “It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist.”

Golda Meir’s apology for Israel’s great crimes is so counter-factual that it blows the mind. Palestinian refugee camps still exist outside Palestine filled with Palestinians and their descendants whose towns, villages, homes and lands were seized by the Israelis in 1948. Rev. Are provides the reader with Na’im Ateek’s description of what happened to him, an 11-year old, when the Jews came to take Beisan on May 12, 1948. Entire Palestinian communities simply disappeared.

In 1949 the United Nations counted 711,000 Palestinian refugees. [United Nations General Assembly Appendix 4, No. 15 ]

In 2005 the United Nations Relief and Works Agency estimated 4.25 million Palestinians and their descendants were refugees from their homeland.

The Israeli policy of evicting non-Jews has continued for six decades. On June 19, 2008, the Laity Committee in the Holy Land reported in Window Into Palestine that the Israeli Ministry of Interior is taking away the residency rights of Jerusalem Christians who have been reclassified as “visitors in their own city.”

On December 10, 2007, MK Ephraim Sneh boasted in the Jerusalem Post that Israel had achieved “a true Zionist victory” over the UN partition plan “which sought to establish two nations in the land of Israel.” The partition plan had assigned Israel 56 percent of Palestine, leaving the inhabitants with only 44 percent. But Israel had altered this over time. Sneb proudly declared: “When we complete the permanent agreement, we will hold 78 percent of the land while the Palestinians will control 22 percent.”

Sneb could have added that the 22 percent is essentially a collection of unconnected ghettos cut off from one another and from roads, water, medical care, and jobs.

Rev. Are documents that the abuse of Palestinians’ human rights is official Israeli policy. Killings, torture, and beatings are routine. On May 17, 1990, the Washington Post reported that Save the Children “documented indiscriminate beating, tear-gassing and shooting of children at home or just outside the house playing in the street, who were sitting in the classroom or going to the store for groceries.”

On January 19, 1988, Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, later Prime Minister, announced the policy of “punitive beating” of Palestinians. The Israelis described the purpose of punitive beating: “Our task is to recreate a barrier and once again put the fear of death into the Arabs of the area.”

According to Save the Children, beatings of children and women are common. Rev. Are, citing the report in the Washington Post, writes: “Save the Children concluded that one-third of beaten children were under ten years old, and one-fifth under the age of five. Nearly a third of the children beaten suffered broken bones.”

On February 8, 1988, Newsweek magazine quoted an Israeli soldier: “ We got orders to knock on every door, enter and take out all the males. The younger ones we lined up with their faces against the wall, and soldiers beat them with billy clubs. This was no private initiative, these were orders from our company commander. . . . After one soldier finished beating a detainee, another soldier called him ‘you Nazi,’ and the first man shot back: ‘You bleeding heart.’ When one soldier tried to stop another from beating an Arab for no reason, a fist fight broke out.”

These were the old days before conscience was eliminated from the ranks of the Israeli military.

In the London Sunday Times, June 19, 1977, Ralph Schoenman, executive director of the Bertrand Russell Foundation, wrote: “Israeli interrogators routinely ill-treat and torture Arab prisoners. Prisoners are hooded or blindfolded and are hung by their wrists for long periods. Most are struck in the genitals or in other ways sexually abused. Most are sexually assaulted. Others are administered electric shock.”

Amnesty International concluded that “there is no country in the world in which the use of official and sustained torture is as well established and documented as in the case of Israel.”

Even the pro-Israeli Washington Post reported: “Upon arrest, a detainee undergoes a period of starvation, deprivation of sleep by organized methods and prolonged periods during which the prisoner is made to stand with his hands cuffed and raised, a filthy sack covering the head. Prisoners are dragged on the ground, beaten with objects, kicked, stripped and placed under ice-cold showers.”

Sounds like Abu Gharib. There are news reports that Israeli torture experts participated in the torture of the detainees assembled by the American military as part of the Bush Regime’s propaganda onslaught to convince Americans that Iraq was overflowing with al Qaeda terrorists. On July 23, 2008, posted an Iraqi news report that the Iraqi government had released a total of 109,087 Iraqis that the Americans had “detained.” Obviously, these “terrorist detainees” had been used for the needs of Bush Regime propaganda. No one will ever know how many of them were abused by Israeli torturers imported by the CIA.

Rev. Are’s book makes sensible suggestions for resolving the conflict that Israel began. However, the problem is that Israeli governments believe only in force. The policy of the Israeli government has always been to beat, kill, and brutalize Palestinians into submission and flight. Anyone who doubts this can read the book of Israel’s finest historian Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006).

Americans are a gullible and naive people. They have been complicit for 60 years in crimes that in Arnold Toynbee’s words “are comparable in quality” to the crimes of Nazi Germany. As Toynbee was writing decades ago, the accumulated Israeli crimes might now be comparable also in quantity.

The US routinely vetoes United Nations condemnations of Israel for its brutal crimes against the Palestinians. Insouciant American taxpayers have been bled for a half century to provide the Israelis with superior military weapons with which Israelis assault their neighbors, all the while convincing America–essentially a captive nation–that Israel is the victim.

John F. Mahoney wrote: “Thomas Are reminds me of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: an active pastor who comes to the unsettling realization that he and his people have been fed a terrible lie that is killing and torturing thousands of innocent men, women and children. Not without ample research and prayer does such a pastor, in turn, risk unsettling his congregation. The Reverend Are has done his homework and, I suspect, has prayed often and long during the writing of this courageous book.”

Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran theologian and pastor who was executed for his active participation in the German Resistance against Nazism.

Professor Benjamin M. Weir, San Francisco Theological Seminary, wrote: “ This book will make the reader squirm. It asks you to lend your voice in behalf of the voiceless.”

Americans who can no longer think for themselves and who are terrified of disapproval by their peer group are incapable of lending their voices to anyone except those who control the world of propaganda in which they live.

The ignorance and unconcern of Americans is a great frustration to my friends in the Israeli peace movement. Without outside support those Israelis, who believe in good will and do not share their government’s belief in Lenin’s doctrine that violence is the only effective force in history, are deprived, by America’s support for their government’s policy of violence, of any peaceful resolution of a conflict began in 1947 by Israeli aggression against unsuspecting Palestinian villages.

Rev. Are wrote his book with the hope that the pen is mightier than the sword and that facts can crowd out propaganda and create a framework for a just resolution of the Palestinian issue. In his concluding chapter, “What Christians Can Do,” Rev. Are writes: “We cannot allow others to dictate our thinking on any subject, especially on anything as important as Christian faithfulness, which is tested by an attitude towards seeking justice for the oppressed. It’s a Christian’s duty to know.”

Duty, of course, has costs. Rev. Are writes: “Speak up for the Palestinians and you will make enemies. Yet, as Christians, we must be willing to raise issues that until now we have chosen to dodge.”

More than a decade later, President Jimmy Carter, a true friend of Israel, tried again to awaken Americans’ moral conscience with his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.
Carter was instantly demonized by the Israel Lobby.

Sixty years of efforts by good and humane people to hold Israel accountable have so far failed, but they are more important today than ever before. Israel has its captive American nation on the verge of attacking Iran, the consequences of which could be catastrophic for all concerned. The alleged purpose of the attack is to eliminate nonexistent Iranian nuclear weapons. The real reason is to eliminate all support for Hamas and Hezbollah so that Israel can seize the entire West Bank and southern Lebanon. The Bush regime is eager to do Israel’s bidding, and the media and evangelical “christian” churches have been preparing the American people for the event.

It is paradoxical that Israel is demonstrating that veracity lies not in the Christian belief in good will but in Lenin’s doctrine that violence is the effective force in history and that the evangelical Christian Zionist churches agree.

Paul Craig RobertsPaul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:

Wes Penre is a researcher, journalist, the owner of the domains Illuminati News and Zionist Watch and is the publisher of the same. He has been researching Globalization and the New World Order and exposed the big players behind the scenes for more than a decade now. He has published his research on the Internet at the above domains, which are currently updated to keep people informed what is going on. You can also find his articles linked up, discussed and republished all over the Internet.

source :

In the BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“ top CIA officials openly admit that Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after.

“Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working … but this has the hallmark of that approach.”

Al Jazeera is the largest and most controversial Arabic News Channel in the Middle East, offering news coverage 24 hours a day from around the world and focusing on the hottest regions of conflict. Founded in 1996, and based in Qatar, the Al Jazeera news network is the fastest growing network among Arab communities and Arabic speaking people around the world. It is the main propaganda news media for the US and its programming is done entirely in the US at Allied Media Corp. Every time Al Jazeera reports on a new video or audio from Al Qaeda or bin Laden which makes threats against the US the audio or video is actually made in the studios of Allied Media Corp. This is essentially the US making threats against itself. Allied Media Corp makes Al Jazeera terrorists threat videos

Every video, every audio tape of bin Laden or the phantom al Qaeda making threats against the US has been made in the USA. The studios of Allied Media Corp has been making the videos and audio tapes for the former Bush administration to further the US War of Terror and wars of aggression against its own people and other sovereign nations. The post 9/11 video tape of bin Laden supposedly confessing to carrying out the attacks against the US is a fake and the person we are suppose to believe is bin Laden is an actor. George W Bush used Allied Media Corp to create videos and audio tapes of actors portraying bin Laden and al Qaeda making threats against the US in order to influence and coerce Congress into giving him dictatorial powers and rob the US people of their civil rights and freedoms. bin Laden did not take away your freedom the Bush White House did. bin Laden did not attack the US on September 11, 2001 your own government did. bin Laden didn’t bankrupt the US your own government did – throughout history all major empires have collapsed as a result of very costly prolonged wars of aggression campaigns. bin Laden and Saddam Hussein didn’t kill over 1 million innocent Iraqi civilians your US government did – first the Clinton administration, then George W Bush and Dick Cheney’s administration and now Obama’s administration. al Qaeda is and always has been a Made in the USA terrorist organization. Terrorism is a Made in the US political agenda.

source :

A new audio message the US made of deceased Osama Bin Laden accuses moderate Arab leaders of conspiring with the West against Muslims. Bin Laden, who has been America’s most wanted man since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, and who has been confirmed killed in November 2001 in Tora Bora (confirmed by former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto), also renewed his attacks on Israel in the recording from the grave.

It was a broadcast by the Qatari-based TV channel al-Jazeera which was obtained from the US propaganda film broadcast programmers for al-Jazeer – Allied Media Corp,

“It is clear that some Arab leaders have plotted with the Zionist-Crusader [Israel-Western] coalition against our people,” the US speaker on the tape says, without naming any leader.

“These are the leaders that America calls moderate.”

The US also accuses Israel of war crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, where it waged an offensive earlier this year, leaving some 1,300 people dead.

The US calls for a renewed jihad and urges militants to first conquer Iraq and then Jordan, which can be used as a route into the West Bank.

This US made and aired audio tape, impersonating the deceased bin Laden can only mean one thing – the US government is planning another 9/11 attack against the United States. This new audio tape also means that US president Obama has ordered that new threats be made against the US and Arab nations. This means Obama has reneged on his promise of CHANGE. Obama is continuing what George W Bush started – fear mongering to further the US agenda of terror against the US and foreign states.

Translation of bin Laden’s Funeral Article in Egyptian Paper:
al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633

News of Bin Laden’s Death and Funeral 10 days ago

Islamabad – A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa’da organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa’da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air. The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden.

The Bin Laden death report seemed to receive an echo of support from Pakistani ruler Musharraf in January of 2002.

From I think now, frankly, he is dead for the reason he is a … kidney patient,” Gen. Pervez Musharraf said on Friday in an interview with CNN.

Musharraf said Pakistan knew bin Laden took two dialysis machines into Afghanistan. “One was specifically for his own personal use,” he said.

“I don’t know if he has been getting all that treatment in Afghanistan now. And the photographs that have been shown of him on television show him extremely weak. … I would give the first priority that he is dead and the second priority that he is alive somewhere in Afghanistan.”

source :

Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 12, 2009

Jejak Langkah Freemason dan Yahudi di Indonesia

Aris Hardinanto – 04 May 2008 | 8:41 pm

Seorang rekan pernah bertanya kepada saya, “Ris, menurut kamu apa Yahudi ada di Indonesia?, mengingat Yahudi itu kan diaspora”. Jujur saya katakan pada teman saya waktu itu saya belum tahu tentang penampakan Yahudi di Indonesia. Penasaran dengan pertanyaan teman saya, saya pun melakukan penelusuran terhadap beberapa literature yang saya dapatkan. Saya sungguh terkejut, ternyata organisasi Freemason (Tarekat Mason Bebas)-organisasi rahasia Yahudi- itu telah bercokol lama di Indonesia sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda, bahkan salah satu tokoh utama Freemason ini adalah tokoh-tokoh yang dianggap sebagai tokoh pergerakan nasional. Penampakan Freemason ini pada awalnya mengibarkan propaganda sebagai sebuah organisasi yang menjunjung tingi nilai-nilai kemanusiaan.
Kita dapat simak dalam salah satu anggaran dasar dari Freemason di Indonesia ini:
“Tarekat Mason Bebas adalah pandangan hidup jiwa yang timbul dari dorongan batin, yang mengungkapkan dirinya dalam upaya berkesinambungan untuk mengembangkan semua sifat roh dan hati nurani, yang dapat mengangkat manusia dan umat manusia ke tingkat susila dan moral yang lebih tinggi. Ia terapkan dalam pelaksanaan seni hidup yang lebih tinggi.” (Tarekat Mason Bebas dan Masyarakat di Hindia Belanda dan Indonesia 1764-1962, hal. 5).
Selanjutnya Freemason ini meluaskan sayap-sayapnya di berbagai elemen masyarakat untuk dapat menyebarkan paham-paham terselubung dari agama Yahudi ke berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Freemason ini tak lupa juga menyisipkan ritual-ritual islam di dalam pengajaran dari freemason. Kita dapat saksikan dalam kutipan berikut ini:
“Situasi yang baru sama sekali tercipta ketika muncul anggota-anggota Indonesia (dan Tionghoa) di loge-loge. Pakaian tradisional dari kalangan elit Jawa, penggunaan Al Quran sebagai Kitab Suci pada pertemuan-pertemuan formal di Rumah Pemujaan…memberikan wajah baru kepada kegiatan-kegiatan loge.” (Tarekat Mason Bebas dan Masyarakat di Hindia Belanda dan Indonesia 1764-1962, hal. 28).
Loge dan Rumah Pemujaan yang dimaksud pada kutipan diatas bukanlah masjid maupun gereja, merupakan sebuah tempat pertemuan anggota Freemason Indonesia untuk mengadakan pemujaan kepada kepada Yang Maha Terang, yang dalam ritualnya para anggota Mason tersebut membacakan sebuah nyanyian kerohanian. Loge yang pertama kali dibangun di Batavia oleh Albertus van der Parra (1761-1775), yang bernama “La Choisie (Terpilih) atas prakarsa Joan Cornelis Radermacher. Setelah itu di bangun pula pada bulan November 1767 di Batavia sebuah loge baru bernama “La Fidele Sincerite”.
Tahun 1767 pada umunya dianggap sebagai awal kehadiran Tarekat Mason Bebas yang terorganisir di Jawa. Selain melakukan pertemuan di loge-loge, mereka juga kerap melakukan pertemuan rahasia di Amanusgracht (Jl. Kopi/Jl. Bandengan Jakarta) dan di kawasan Molenvliet (Jl. Gajah Mada/ Hayam Wuruk). Selain di kedua daerah diatas, seorang pakar Hukum yang namanya diakui dalam ilmu Hukum Indonesia, yaitu Jacob Van Vollenhoeven, ternyata memainkan peranan penting terhadap pendirian Loge Matahari di Padang pada tahun 1858 yang beberapa bulan sebelumnya pada tanggal 11 Desember 1857 berkumpul dirumahnya untuk me,bahas mengenai pendirian Loge tersebut.
Loge terakhir yang didirikan terakhir sebelum tahun 1890 di Jawa adalah Loge “Veritas” di Probolinggo Jawa Timur.

Tokoh-Tokoh Indonesia Yang Terlibat di dalam Freemasonry
1. Raden Saleh dilantik pada tahun 1836 di loge Den Haag “Endracht Maakt Macht”
2. Abdul Rachman, keturunan dari Sultan Pontianak, dilantik tahun 1844 di Loge di Surabaya “De Vriendschap” dan Gedenkboek tahun 1917 terdapat keterangan bahwa dia adalah Mason pertama yang beragama Islam.
3. Pangeran Ario Soeryodilogo (1835-1900) menjadi anggota loge Mataram di Yogyakarta
4. Pangeran Ario Notokusuma (Paku Alam VI)
5. Pangeran Arionotodirojo (1858-1917). Masuk keanggotaan loge Mataram pada tahun 1887 dan memegang berbagai jabatan kepengurusan. Ia ketua Boedi Oetomo antara tahun 1911-1914. pada tahun 1913 ia mendirikan Sarekat Islam Cabang Yogya yang banyak beranggotakan elit Jwa. Notodirojo seorang yang disegani dan dianggap sebaga pergerakan rakyat Jawa.
6. R.M. Adipati Ario Poerbo Hadiningrat, yang pada awal abad ke 20 memangku jabatan bupati Semarang dan Salatiga. Bukunya yang terkenal adalah Wat ik als Javaan voor geest en gemoed in de Vrijmetselarij heb gevonden.
7. Raden Adipati Tirto Koesoemo Bupati Karanganyar. Anggota Loge Mataram sejak tahun 1895. ketua pertama Boedi Oetomo. Pada kongres ke dua Boedi oetomo, yang diadakan di gedung Loge Mataram, ia mengusulkan pemakaian Bahasa Melayu, mendahului Sumpah Pemuda.
8. A.H. van Ophusyen S.H. (1883-1956). Notaries dan anggota Dewan kota Batavia. Salah seorang pendiri dari indo Europees Verbond-Ikatan Indo Eropa. Wakil Suhu Agung untuk Indonesia.
9. Raden Mas Toemenggoen Ario Koesoemo Yoedha, 1882-1955, putra dari Pakoe Alam V. menjadi anggota loge Mataram pada tahun 1909 dan berkali-kali memegang jabatan kepengurusan. Pada tahun 1930 menjadi Anggota Pengurus Pusat.
10. Dr. Radjiman Wediodipoera (Wediodiningrat), 1879-1952. antara tahun 1906 dan 1936 dokter pada keratin Solo. Sarjana dan penulis mengenai falsafah budaya. Pejabat ketua Boedi Oetomo 1914-1915. pada tahun 1945 memaainkan peranan penting sebagai ketua dari Badan Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Bersama Soekarno dan Hatta pergi mnemui Marsekal Terauchi dalam pembicaraan kemerdekaan Indonesia.Raden Said Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo, Bogor, 1908. dalam tahun 1952 menjadi anggota dari loge Indonesia Purwo Daksia. Ia menjabat sebaia Kepala kepolisian RI . Soekanto menjadi Suhu Agung dari Timur Agung Indonesia atau Federasi Nasional Mason. Ia juga menjabat sebagai ketua dari Yayasan Raden Saleh yang merupakan penerusan dari Carpentier Alting Stiching.
11. R.A.S Soemitro Kolopaking Poerbonegoro, menjadi Ketua Suhu Agung dari Timur Agung Indonesia pada 7 April 1955 (Hari berdirinya Tarekat Mason Indonesia).
12. R.A. Pandji Tjokronegoro, terdaftar sebagai anggota pada tahun 1908, hal ini dikuatkan dengan bukti dia merayakan Yubelium Mason Bebas pada 50 tahunnya Mason Bebas.

Tokoh Penjajah Belanda dalam Sejarah Indonesia yang Merupakan Member Freemason
1. Herman Willem Daendels, dilantik di Loge Kampen “Le Profond Silence”.
2. Thomas Stamford Raffles, pada tanggal 26 Juni 1813 diterima di dalam Tarekat oleh Engelhard, sedangkan diplomasinya ditandatangani oleh mason-mason bebas yang terkenal dan penguasa-penguasa colonial.
3. Johannes Van Den Bosch, dilantik di Loge De Vriendschap pada tahun 1830.

Loge-Loge atau Loji Yang Ada di Indonesia
1. Loge La Choisie di Batavia (1764-1766)
2. Loge La Fidele Sincerite (1767)
3. Loge La Virtuese (1769)
4. Loge La Constante et Fidele (1801) di Semarang
5. Loge De Vriendschap (1809) di Surabaya
6. Loge De Ster in Het Oosten (Loji Bintang Timur) di Batavia (1837)
7. Loge Matahari di Padang (1858)
8. Loge Princes Frederik der Nederlanden di Rembang (1871)
9. Loge L Union Frederic Royal di Surakarta (1872)
10. Loge Prins Frederik di Kota Raja Aceh pada tahun 1880
11. Loge Veritas di Probolinggo
12. Loge Arbeid Adelt di Makassar (1888)
13. Loge Excelsior di Bogor (1891)
14. Loge Tidar di Magelang (1891)
15. Loge St. Jan di Bandung (1896)
16. Loge Fraternitas di Salatiga (1896)
17. Loge Humanitas di Tegal (1898)
18. Loge Malang (1901)
19. Loge Blitar (1906)
20. Loge Kediri (1918)
21. Loge Het Zuinderkruis (Rasi Pari) di Batavia (1918)
22. Loge De Broerderketen (Segitiga) di Jember (1926)

Selain pendirian Loge sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan misinya, para Freemason ini juga mendirikan sekolah-sekolah dan kesempatan belajar keluar negeri, berikut kita dapat kutip dari keterangan Dr. Th. Steven:
“Kaum Mason Bebas tidak hanya mendirikan sekolah-sekolah untuk kaum Indo yang miskin, tetapi juga memberi kesempatan kepada kaum muda Jawa yang berbakat untuk mengembangkan diri lebih lanjut melalui pendidikan di Eropa”. (Tarekat Mason Bebas dan Masyarakat di Hindia Belanda dan Indonesia 1764-1962, hal. 47).

Adapun tahun-tahun pendirian sekolah-sekolah Mason tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1875 di Semarang
1879 di Batavia
1885 di Yogyakarta, dua sekolah
1887 di Surakarta dan Magelang
1888 di Buitenzorg (Bogor)
1889 di Padang dan Probolinggo
1892 di Semarang, sekolah kedua
1897 di tegal
1898 di Bandung dan Manado
1899 di Aceh
1900 di Malang
1903 di Malang, sekolah kedua
1905 di Bandung, sekolah kedua
1907 di Blitar
1908 di Surabaya
1900 di Padang, Magelang (sekolah kedua) dan Medan, Makssar, Kediri
1926 di Malang, sekolah ketiga

Selain mendirikan sekolah-sekolah, para anggota Tarekat Mason Bebas di Indonesia ini juga mendirikan berbagai perpustakaan di berbagai daerah. Di semarang pada tahun 1875 di buka peprustakaan yang disebut “De Verlichting” dan pada tahun 1917 ditempatkan di Peprustakaan Pusat dan Ruang Baca Umum. Jenis perpustakaan itu dengan berjalannya waktu, muncul hampir bersamaan dengan di semua tempat yang ada loge. Pada tahun 1877 didirikan sebuah perpustakaan di Padang dan kemudian:
1878 di Yogya
1879 di Surabaya
1882 di Salatiga
1889 di Probolinggo
1890 di Buitenzorg (Bogor)
1891 di Bandung
1892 di Menado
1895 di Manado
1897 di Tegal
1899 di Medan
1902 di Ambon
1902 di Malang
1908 di Magelang
1907 di Blitar

Eksisnya Yahudi di Indonesia Pasca Kemerdekaan
Jika Yahudi pra kemerdekaan yang tergabung di dalam Freemason itu hengkang setelah keputusan Presiden tentang organisasi terlarang Freemason, ternyata di kemudian hari Freemason ini kembali eksis setelah sembunyi-sembunyi. Modus operandi mereka mengaku sebagai keturunan Arab, umat awam pasti akan terkecoh karena Yahudi dan Arab dalam segi fisik tak jauh berbeda. Bukti eksisnya Yahudi ini dapat kita telusuri. Contoh paling mudah tentang eksisnya Yahudi serta Sinagognya, dapat kita lihat pada daerah Surabaya, tepatnya Jalan Kayon no. 4 Surabaya (dekatnya Delta Plaza Surabaya). Jika amati seksama bangunan di Kayon ini, maka kita dapat teliti bahawa gambar Bintang David itu sangat jelas terpampang pada bagian pagar dari sinagoga tersebut.
Bangunan yang sekilas tampak “sepuh” ini menurut keterangan warga pada hari Sabtu Agung, selalu dinyanyikan lantunan lagu rohani berbahasa Ibrani. Selain itu eksisnya sebuah Sinagoga di daerah Kembang Jepun (jika malam pusat kuliner :”Kiyaki”) pada nomor 4-6 , kita akan dapati sebuah Sinagoga terbuka yang sangat jelas. Dulu Sinagoga ini dipakai oleh Rita Aaron (peragawati dan model Surabaya) yang Yahudi untuk beribadat menyembah Yahweh (sebutan Tuhan oleh orang Yahudi).

Disesuaikan oleh Agung, dipublikasikan atas ijin langsung dari Mas Aris Hardinanto. Aslinya artikel ini dimuat pada

Posted by: Arif Hakim | March 12, 2009

Konspirasi dalam Demokrasi dan Pemilu

…ia menciptakan berbagai bentuk partai dan organisasi yang berbakti pada Freemason Alam Semesta. Ia pun memainkan peranan yang besar di dalam pemilihan umum-pemilihan umum pada sebagian besar negara di dunia ini dengan cara-cara terselubung.

The second one, though, is made up of the happenings that are not revealed to the public. This is the world of the machinations by secret lodges and secret societies which interlink capital, politics, economy and religion. On this level nations are made, wars are instigated, presidents and leaders are put in office and, in case they don’t function, eliminated. [Jan van Helsing, SECRET SOCIETIES AND THEIR POWER IN 20th CENTURY, halaman 21]

Basically since there are only TWO possible choices in a so-called U.S. “democratic” election and since the Illuminati with their untold wealth CONTROL BOTH the Democrat and Republican parties, it really doesn’t matter who wins the election THE ILLUMINATI RULE!!! So if the Illuminati have the money and the power to “rig” every election, why would they go through so much trouble to get their CHOSEN CANDIDATE elected, since it doesn’t matter which candidate wins for the Illuminati to keep their power? Why don’t we ask them? [Michael Shore, THE ILLUMINATI ALWAYS WIN THE ‘ELECTION’,

Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one’s party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier of the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, so-called liberalism, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism. [Protocols of Zion, Protocols I point 6]

We shall assume to ourselves the liberal physiognomy* of all parties, of all directions, and we shall give that physiognomy a voice in orators who will speak so much that they will exhaust the patience of their hearers and produce an abhorrence of oratory. [Protocols of Zion, Protocols V point 9]

When we have accomplished our coup d’etat we shall say then to the various peoples: “Everything has gone terribly badly, all have been worn out with suffering. We are destroying the causes of your torment—nationalities, frontiers, difference of coinages. You are at liberty, of course, to pronounce sentence upon us, but can it possibly be a just one if it is confirmed by you before you make any trial of what we are offering you.” . . . Then will the mob exalt us and bear us up in their hands in a unanimous triumph of hopes and expectations. Voting, which we have made the instrument which will set us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes and will play its part then for the last time by a unanimity of desire to make close acquaintance with us before condemning us. [Protocols of Zion, Protocols X point 4]

To secure this we must have everybody vote without distinction of classes and qualifications, in order to establish an absolute majority, which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes. In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value and remove the possibility of individual minds splitting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention. In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head by us as leaders of the mob. The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits. [Protocols of Zion, Protocols X point 5]

In the near future we shall establish the responsibility of presidents. [Protocols of Zion, Protocols X point 11]

In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other—then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. Naturally, the authority of the presidents will then become a target for every possible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self-defense in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an appeal to that some blind slave of ours—the majority of the mob. Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution. [Protocols of Zion, Protocols X point 13]

Artikel ini terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu pertama tentang demokrasi, kedua tentang pemilu, dan ketiga, tentang konspirasi dalam masalah demokrasi dan pemilu, sesuai dengan pandangan saya yang didukung berbagai referensi yang bisa mendukung saya yang mungkin bisa dibilang anti demokrasi, sedangkan untuk referensi dari pendukung demokrasi, saya anggap tak perlu. Demokrasi (yang diterapkan secara kaffah, bukan setengah-setengah) menjamin dan melindungi pilihan saya ini, tidak perlu melakukan cover both-sides untuk bersuara, karena pemilu pun tidak mensyaratkan orang yang cukup paham politik untuk memberikan suaranya. Semoga dimaklumi. Jikapun ada yang memandang saya Hipokrit karena anti demokrasi tapi bersuara dalam jaminan demokrasi, ya itu wajar-wajar saja, siapapun boleh ngomong semaunya dalam suasana yang demokratis ini.


Demokrasi katanya berasal dari bahasa Yunani Demos dan Kratos/Kratein, dan sejak SD (kalau belum diubah) selalu diberikan definisi sebagai pemerintahan dari rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat. Bagi yang Islam (maaf bagi yang non muslim, tapi saya menyatakan ini karena demokrasi bisa juga berarti suara mayoritas, jadi jangan tersinggung ya…), tolong cek apakah ini bukan sebuah bentuk kesesatan karena sepanjang pengetahuan saya, manusia dalam kehidupannya di dunia ini harus mengikuti perintah Alloh (dari Alloh), dengan cara yang disampaikan-Nya kepada Umat-Nya melalui Nabi-Nya (sederhananya saya sebut “oleh Alloh”), dan bertujuan untuk menggapai ridho Alloh serta dikembalikan pertanggunggjawabannya pada Alloh pada pengadilan di Yaumil Hisab nanti (sederhananya saya sebut “untuk Alloh”). Itu yang gampangnya saya pahami kenapa kita dilahirkan di dunia ini.

Demokrasi sejak lama menjadi bulan-bulanan baik orang Islam maupun orang kafir. Jika saya mengutip pendapat ulama-ulama anti demokrasi, saya agak khawatir nanti blog ini dibilang blog wahhabi, blog salaf, blog islam fundamentalis/radikal (yang sebenarnya saya pengen banget), karena itu disini saya akan menunjukkan kutipan-kutipan dari orang non-Muslim yang juga tentu saja anti demokrasi sebagai berikut: [diambil dari situs

“We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real Liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of dictatorship.”–Alexander Hamilton

…democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”–James Madison, Federalist No. 10 (arguing in favor of a constitutional republic)

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”– John Adams, 1814

The adoption of Democracy as a form of Government by all European nations is fatal to good Government, to liberty, to law and order, to respect for authority, and to religion, and must eventually produce a state of chaos from which a new world tyranny will arise.”– Duke of Northumberland, 1931

Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”– John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

I have long been convinced that institutions purely democratic must, sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both.”– Thomas Babington Macaulay

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury.”– Alexander Tytler

Democracy is a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.”– H.L. Mencken

It had been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience had proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.”– Alexander Hamilton

Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage.”– H.L. Mencken

Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.”– Oscar Wilde

Any political party that includes the word ‘democratic’ in its name, isn’t.”– Patrick Murray

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”– H.L. Mencken

If we advert to the nature of republican government, we shall find that the censorial power is in the people over the government, and not in the government over the people.”– James Madison

The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.”– Lord Acton

Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.”– George Bernard Shaw

All the civilizations we know have been created and directed by small intellectual aristocracies, never by people in the mass. The power of crowds is only to destroy.”– Jean de la Fontaine, Fables (1668)

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”– John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1859)

It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but it is worse to be oppressed by a majority…from the absolute will of an entire people there is no appeal, no redemption, no refuge but treason.”– Lord Acton

The people as a body cannot deliberate. Nevertheless, they will feel an irresistible impulse to act, and their resolutions will be dictated to them by their demagogues… and the violent men, who are the most forward to gratify those passions, will be their favorites. What is called the government of the people is in fact too often the arbitrary power of such men. Here, then, we have the faithful portrait of democracy.”– Fisher Ames, The Dangers of American Liberty (1805)

The tendencies of democracies are, in all things, to mediocrity, since the tastes, knowledge, and principles of the majority form the tribunal of appeal.”– James Fenimore Cooper, The American Democrat (1838)

See? Bukan cuma orang Salaf dan Wahhabi (seperti tuduhan orang-orang picik yang anti 2 kelompok itu, bahkan sering menyandingkannya dengan kelompok teroris) saja yang tidak bisa menerima demokrasi. Selain itu, demokrasi ternyata juga bukan cuma ada satu macam, tapi bermacam-macam (di buku Sejarah SD sampai SMA saya kayaknya kok belum pernah saya baca ya, hehehe… Hayo departemen pendidikan nasional, direvisi bukunya hayo…), berikut ini daftar tipe-tipe demokrasi yang terdaftar di Wikipedia sampai saya download tanggal 20 Oktober 2008 lalu:

Anticipatory democracy, which relies on some degree of disciplined and usually market-informed anticipation of the future, to guide major decisions.

Athenian democracy (sometimes called classical democracy), as originally developed in the Classical Greek city-state of Athens.

Bioregional democracy, matching geopolitical divisions to natural ecological regions.

Constitutional democracy, democracy governed by a constitution.

Defensive democracy, a situation in which a democratic society has to limit some rights and freedoms in order to protect the institutions of the democracy.

Deliberative democracy, which focuses on hearing out every policy alternative, from every direction, and providing time to research them all.

Demarchy, a form of democracy which has people randomly selected from the citizenry to either act as representatives, or to make decisions in specific areas of governance (defense, environment, etc.)

E-democracy, which comprises the use of electronic communications technologies, such as the Internet, in enhancing democratic processes within a democratic republic or representative democracy.

Emergent democracy, a social system in which blogging undermines mainstream media.

Democratic centralism, an organizational method where members of a political party discuss and debate matters of policy and direction and after the decision is made by majority vote, all members are expected to follow that decision in public.

Democratic dictatorship Also known as democratur.

Direct democracy, implementations of democracy in more pure forms; classically termed pure democracy.

Dominant-party system, a Democratic Party system where only one political party can realistically become the government, by itself or in a coalition government.

Economic democracy, a theory of democracy involving people having access to subsistence, or equity in living standards.

Grassroots democracy, a form of democracy emphasizing trust in small decentralized units at the municipal government level, possibly using urban secession to establish the formal legal authority to make decisions made at this local level binding.

Illiberal democracy, a type of representative democracy where there are no or only weak limits on the power of the elected representatives to rule as they please.

Interactive Democracy, a proposed form of democracy utilising information technology to allow citizens to propose new policies, “second” proposals and vote on the resulting laws (that are refined by Parliament) in a referendum.

Jacksonian democracy, a form of democracy popularized by President Andrew Jackson promoted the strength of the executive branch and the Presidency at the expense of Congressional power.

Jeffersonian democracy, a form of government named for American statesman Thomas Jefferson.

Liberal democracy, a form of representative democracy with protection for individual liberty and property by rule of law.

Market democracy, another name for democratic capitalism, an economic ideology based on a tripartite arrangement of a market-based economy based predominantly on economic incentives through free markets, a democratic polity and a liberal moral-cultural system which encourages pluralism.

Multiparty democracy, a two-party system requires voters to align themselves in large blocs, sometimes so large that they cannot agree on any overarching principles.

New Democracy, a Maoist concept based on Mao Zedong’s “Bloc of Four Classes” theory in post-revolutionary China.

Non-partisan democracy, a system of representative government or organization such that universal and periodic elections (by secret ballot) take place without reference to political parties.

Parliamentary democracy, a democratic system of government where the executive branch of a parliamentary government is typically a cabinet, and headed by a prime minister who is considered the head of government.

Participatory democracy, which involves consent or consensus decision making and offers greater political representation, e.g., wider control of proxies others trust them with, to those who get directly involved and actually participate.

Radical democracy, a type of democracy that focuses on the importance of nurturing and tolerating difference and dissent in decision-making processes.

Religious democracy, the values of religion play a role in the public arena in a society populated by religious people.

Republican democracy, a republic which has democracy through elected representatives

Representative democracy describes indirect democracy where sovereignty is held by the people’s representatives.

Social democracy, a political philosophy that calls upon government to be for the people. In contrast to Socialists, modern Social Democrats do not believe in nationalizing industry

Sociocracy, a democratic system of governance based on consent decision making, circle organization, and double-linked representation.

Sortition, a democratic method of choosing political and administrative officials, advocated by Aristotle, and used in classical Athens and Venice, which is based on the drawing of lots as opposed to election by vote.

Soviet democracy or Council democracy, a form of democracy where the workers of a locality elect recallable representatives into organs of power called soviets (councils.) The local soviets elect the members of regional soviets who go on to elect higher soviets.

Totalitarian democracy, a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

Westminster democracy, a parliamentary system of government modeled after that of the United Kingdom system.

Workplace democracy, the application of democracy to the workplace as opposed to conventional top-down management hierarchy.

See? Bukankah ini membingungkan bagi siapa saja yang mau mengaplikasikan demokrasi sebagai suatu sistem pemerintahan dalam suatu negara? Banyak hal yang harus dipertimbangkan untuk menerapkan demokrasi, 2 diantaranya yaitu: a. kita harus mempelajari semua tipe demokrasi yang ada dengan cara seksama (ingat, ini untuk diterapkan dalam suatu negara, bukan untuk bahan ujian mata pelajaran PPKN) dan dalam tempo yang sesingkat-singkatnya (ingat, negara tanpa sistem pemerintahan baku, sesingkat apapun masa vakum tersebut, sama saja dengan tidak ada negara). b. setelah memahami dengan jelas semua tipe demokrasi, saatnya memilih tipe mana yang akan diambil untuk diterapkan, dan tentunya memilih satu diantara sekian banyak pilihan bukanlah sebuah hal yang mudah.

Itu saja tentang demokrasi, sebab akan menjadi terlalu bertele-tele jika saya tuliskan semua hal yang perlu diketahui dari demokrasi, anda-anda yang mengapresiasi blog ini tentu bukan orang-orang malas yang tidak bisa mencari referensi tentang demokrasi yang umum dijual di toko-toko buku langganan anda (yang langganannya toko buku lho, kalau langganannya diskotik ya ngga ikut-ikut saya, hehe). OK, saatnya menuju bagian kedua yang tak kalah seru, pemilu.


Saya tak merasa perlu memberikan definisi pemilu karena tiap lima tahun sekali kita sudah melaksanakannya, bahkan dalam suasana penuh kebahagiaan karena berlabel pesta rakyat, haha, yang pesta siapa yang nangis siapa… Ada-ada aja istilahnya.

Langsung saja, banyak kerancuan dalam pemilu, berikut ini 15 diantaranya sebagai berikut: [diambil dari daftar isi (bukan berarti saya ngga membaca isinya lho) buku MEMBONGKAR DOSA-DOSA PEMILU: PRO KONTRA PRAKTIK PEMILU PERSPEKTIF SYARIAT ISLAM (TANWIR AL-DHULUMAT BI KASYFI MAFASID WA SYBUHAT AL-INTIKHABA) karya Abu Nasr Muhammad Al-Imam.]

1. Kerancuan pertama: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan bahwa secara umum demokrasi sesuai dengan islam

2. Kerancuan kedua: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan bahwa pemilihan umum sudah ada pada masa awal

3. Kerancuan ketiga: para pendukung pemilihan umum membolehkan mengambil sebagian aturan jahiliyah

4. Kerancuan keempat: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan bahwa pemilihan umum adalah masalah ijtihadiyah

5. Kerancuan kelima: para pendukung pemilihan umum memasukan pemilihan umum dalam kategori masalah murasalah

6. Kerancuan keenam: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan bahwa pemilu dan partai hanyalah kemasan (wadah) bukan substansi

7. Kerancuan ketujuh: para pendukung pemilu berdalalih menyatakan bahwa mereka berpartisi dalam pemilihan umum untuk kebaikan

8. Kerancuan kedelapan: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan bahwa mereka mengikuti pemilu untuk mendirikan kedaulatan Islam

9. Kerancuan kesembilan: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan bahwa pemilihan umum adalah cara menegakkan syariat secara periodik tidak langsung

10. Kerancuan kesepuluh: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan bahwa dengan pemilihan umum mereka akan meng-amandemen undang-undang sekuler menjadi undang-undang Islami

11. Kerancuan kesebelas: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan, “kami tidak akan membiarkan musuh menguasai kepemimpinan.”

12. Kerancuan keduabelas: para pendukung pemilihan umum menyatakan, “kami dipaksa mengikuti pemilu dan masuk parlemen.”

13. Kerancuan ketigabelas: para pendukung pemilu mengatakan, “partisipasi kami dalam pemilu karena alasan darurat.”
14. Kerancuan keempatbelas: para pendukung pemilu mengatakan, “kami mendukung pemilu karena pertimbangan memilih bahaya yang paling ringan.”

15. Kerancuan kelimabelas: para pendukung pemilu mengatakan bahwa pemilu telah ditiadakan oleh para ulama senior

Kemudian, amat banyak kerusakan-kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dari cara pemungutan suara, di antaranya: [diambil dari artikel berjudul SYUBHAT-SYUBHAT SEKITAR MASALAH DEMOKRASI DAN PEMUNGUTAN SUARA yang dimuat di

1. Termasuk perbuatan syirik kepada Allah.
2. Menekankan suara terbanyak.
3. Anggapan dan tuduhan bahwa dinul Islam kurang lengkap.
4. Pengabaian wala’ dan bara’.
5. Tunduk kepada Undang-Undang sekuler.
6. Mengecoh (memperdayai) orang banyak khususnya kaum Muslimin.
7. Memberikan kepada demokrasi baju syariat.
8. Termasuk membantu dan mendukung musuh musuh Islam yaitu Yahudi dan Nashrani.
9. Menyelisihi Rasulullah dalam metoda menghadapi musuh.
10. Termasuk wasilah yang diharamkan.
11. Memecah belah kesatuan umat.
12. Menghancurkan persaudaraan sesama Muslim.
13. Menumbuhkan sikap fanatisme golongan atau partai yang terkutuk.
14. Menumbuhkan pembelaan membabi buta (jahiliyah) terhadap partai-partai di golongan mereka.
15. Rekomendasi yang diberikan hanya untuk kemaslahatan golongan.
16. Janji janji tanpa realisasi dari para calon hanya untuk menyenangkan para pemilih.
17. Pemalsuan-pemalsuan dan penipuan-penipuan serta kebohongan-kebohongan hanya untuk meraup simpati massa.
18. Menyia-nyiakan waktu hanya untuk berkampanye bahkan terkadang meninggalkan kewajiban (shalat dan lain-lain).
19. Membelanjakan harta tidak pada tempat yang disyariatkan.
20. Money politics, si calon menyebarkan uang untuk mempengaruhi dan membujuk para pemilih.
21. Terperdaya dengan kuantitas tanpa kualitas.
22. Ambisi merebut kursi tanpa peduli rusaknya aqidah.
23. Memilih seorang calon tanpa memandang kelurusan aqidahnya.
24. Memilih calon tanpa perduli dengan syarat-syarat syar’i seorang pemimpin.
25. Pemakaian dalil-dalil syar’i tidak pada tempatnya, di antaranya adalah ayat-ayat syura yaitu Asy-Syura’: 46.
26.Tidak diperhatikannya syarat-syarat syar’i di dalam persaksian, sebab pemberian amanat adalah persaksian.
27. Penyamarataan yang tidak syar’i, di mana disamaratakan antara wanita dan pria, antara seorang alim dengan si jahil, antara orang-orang shalih dan orang-orang fasiq, antara Muslim dan kafir.
28. Fitnah wanita yang terdapat dalam proses pemungutan suara, di mana mereka boleh dijadikan sebagai salah satu calon! Padahal Rasulullah telah bersabda: “Tidak beruntung suatu kaum yang menyerahkan urusan mereka kepada kaum wanita”. [Hadits Riwayat Bukhari dari Abu Bakrah]
29. Mengajak manusia untuk mendatangi tempat-tempat pemalsuan.
30. Termasuk bertolong-tolongan dalam berbuat dosa dan pelanggaran.
31. Melibatkan diri dalam perkara yang sia-sia dan tidak bermanfaat.
32. Janji-janji palsu dan semu yang disebar.
33. Memberi label pada perkara-perkara yang tidak ada labelnya seperti label partai dengan partai Islam, pemilu Islami, kampanye Islami dan lain-lain.
34. Berkoalisi atau beraliansi dengan partai-partai menyimpang dan sesat hanya untuk merebut suara terbanyak.
35. Sogok-menyogok dan praktek-praktek curang lainnya yang digunakan untuk memenangkan pemungutan suara.
36. Pertumpahan darah yang kerap kali terjadi sebelum atau sesudah pemungutan suara karena memanasnya suasana pasca pemungutan suara atau karena tidak puas karena kalah atau merasa dicurangi.

Itu saja dulu sudah cukup saya kira. Sekiranya tidak menjadi terlalu panjang, tentu saya akan membahas poin-per-poin diatas. Anda bisa cari buku MEMBONGKAR DOSA-DOSA PEMILU: PRO KONTRA PRAKTIK PEMILU PERSPEKTIF SYARIAT ISLAM yang hampir mirip poin-poinnya, insyaAlloh masih mudah mencarinya, tak seperti mencari buku TAREKAT MASON BEBAS, haha. Saatnya menuju bagian ketiga, bagian yang paling saya sukai, konspirasi…


Demokrasi, sebagai sebuah sistem buatan manusia, tentu tak lepas dari vulnerabilities seperti halnya software bikinan Microsoft yang rentan dengan bug sehingga sistem keamanan situs KPU 2004 beberapa saat lalu bisa hacked and cracked oleh seorang hacker dari daerah Kebumen bernama Dani Firman Syah a.k.a Xnuxer, yang juga penulis buku TIP & TRIK COMPUTER HACKING: HACKING & CARA PENGAMANANNYA buku 1 & 2 [makanya denger nasehat Susanto alias S’to dalam bukunya SIH / SENI INTERNET HACKING: UNCENSORED terbitan Jasakom, dan buat admin situs KPU jangan terlalu arogan dong, sok-sokan bilang security-nya tak bisa ditembus. Ngga ada sistem yang benar-benar aman, sekalipun computer anda offline.]

“Gung, apa hubungannya sama hacking?” Hehe, bagus kalau ada yang menanyakan gitu. Saya baru saja menonton sebuah film documenter bagus yang berhubungan dengan hacking maupun demokrasi, yaitu HACKING DEMOCRACY, yang menunjukkan kecurangan-kecurangan yang terjadi pada pemilu di negara yang dianggap penjaga demokrasi bernama Amerika Serikat yang juga dikenal sebagai Uncle Sam (Samiri kali yaw?), atau menurut P.J. O’Rourke dalam bukunya PARLIAMENT OF WHORES: A LONE HUMORIST ATTEMPTS TO EXPLAIN THE ENTIRE U.S. GOVERNMENT disebut “Uncle Sucker”.

HACKING DEMOCRACY menceritakan bagaimana suara hasil pemilu dimanipulasi oleh hacker sehingga hasilnya – belakangan setelah dilakukan investigasi oleh seorang nenek bernama Bev Harris yang didukung kelompok aktivis dari Seattle yang dimulai dengan pertanyaan sederhana “bagaimana penghitungan suara dilakukan” – dianggap tidak valid, dan berikut ringkasannya:

Mereka memulai segalanya dari Florida dan California hingga ke Ohio dan negara bagian Washington untuk mencari kebenaran. Perjalanan ini difilmkan oleh Simon Ardizzone, Robert Cohens, dan Russell Michaels untuk membongkar sebuah sistem busuk yang dipenuhi teka-teki mengenai pegawai pemilu yang tidak kompeten, yang tidak bekerja akurat serta bagaimana mesin penghitung suara yang dapat dirancang untuk mencuri hasil suara pemilu. Harris dan para aktivis temannya [juga dibantu beberapa computer scientist] membongkar kelemahan sistem mesin penghitung suara pemilu yang diproduksi perusahaan DIEBOLD.

Mereka mencari dan meneliti lebih lanjut hingga ke kantor pengurus pemilu di Florida. Harris dan para aktivis tersebut [dibantu seorang hacker dari Finlandia] melakukan serangkaian pengetesan terhadap mesin penghitung suara yang selama ini digunakan dalam pemilu yang diklaim bebas serta aman dan terpercaya. Hasil membuktikan bahwa hasil suara dalam mesin tersebut dapat dengan mudah dicuri dan dirubah datanya sesuai dengan keinginan yang berkepentingan, hanya dengan memory card berisi script untuk kegiatan tersebut.

HACKING DEMOCRACY menunjukan dengan gamblang adanya rahasia, kroniisme, dan konspirasi terhadap pemilu yang dilakukan perperiodenya selama ini baik di Amerika dan kemungkinan besar di Negara penganut demokrasi lainya.

See? Di Amerika yang dikatakan sebagai penjaga Demokrasi dan kekritisan warganya sudah tinggi saja masih bisa terjadi kecurangan seperti itu, apalagi di satu negara yang warganya sedikit sekali membaca tapi banyak komentar, ngga usah sebut contoh ya, ntar dibilang ngga nasionalis, hahahaha. Nasionalisme lagi, emang negara adalah segala-galanya apa? Right or wrong my country, haha, untung dalam Islam diajarkan bahwa yang BENAR TETAPLAH BENAR dan yang SALAH TETAPLAH SALAH. Itukah nasionalisme anda? Apa bedanya dengan cinta buta anak ABG yang baru “kenal” cinta? Saya memang cinta Indonesia, tapi saya lebih cinta Islam dan Yang Mewahyukannya, yang mengajarkannya, serta yang membelanya, tanpa perlu harus memuja budaya Arab atau Arab secara keseluruhan, seperti yang sering dituduhkan musuh-musuh Islam, emangnya semua yang berbau Arab pasti Islam po? Baca sejarah yang kritis dong, Abu Jahal dan Abu Lahab orang mana? Pakaiannya saya yakin tak beda jauh dengan Nabi SAW karena pernah sezaman, tapi apa kita akan mengatakan dua cecunguk itu orang Islam atau Islami hanya karena mereka orang Arab? Nah, itulah jeleknya nasionalisme, ngga objektif. Ngga usah protes dan bilang saya bawa-bawa agama, ini hak saya dalam negara demokrasi, apalagi agama saya termasuk mayoritas dalam jumlah, berarti dalam konteks demokrasi harus menang dong, kecuali jika demokrasi ngga lebih dari sekedar omong kosong saja.

Saya kira cukup satu contoh saja konspirasinya, anda yang cerdas dan kreatif pasti bisa mencari contoh lain dari negara kita sendiri. Saya hanya memberikan trigger, saya tak ingin mencekoki anda dengan materi jadi yang tak perlu dikembangkan dan diriset lagi, karena Conspiratorial View of History (menurut A. Ralph Epperson dalam buku THE UNSEEN HAND yang sedang dalam proses penerjemahan untuk dicetak oleh mr Joe Jussac kedalam bahasa Indonesia) akan menjadi tak ada gunanya lagi jika saya lakukan itu. Menjadi basi seperti halnya undang-undang di sebuah negara yang katanya penjunjung demokrasi, tapi siap menindak mereka-mereka yang mempropagandakan untuk golput pada pemilu, seolah-olah golput itu bukan sebuah pilihan, tapi malah melindungi aliran-aliran sesat yang jauh lebih merusak atas nama demokrasi, standar yang aneh. Apalagi, kutipan ayat-ayat dari Protocols of Zion diatas bisa menjadi bahan dasar untuk menge-check and recheck bau konspirasinya, bukan sekedar pemanis artikel ini saja. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat, amien. Ada kurangnya mohon maaf, ada lebihnya mohon dibagi.

*) physiognomy: (Technical) The general appearance of a person’s face [LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH, halaman 1233]

Terimakasih untuk seorang sahabat yang minta untuk tidak dipublikasikan identitasnya yang sudah membantu membuatkan summary film HACKING DEMOCRACY, sekaligus mencarikan artikel-artikel yang relevan tentang demokrasi.

Untuk dek Imel dari Blog Bening Hati, ini janji saya. Saya tunggu artikel sampeyan di blog anda yang pro demokrasi, jadi bagi para pembaca yang penasaran bisa membandingkan. Artikel ini saya buat bersamaan dengan saya menulis respon untuk salah satu artikel di blog tersebut yang berjudul ISLAM BANGET! TARBIYAH BANGET! PKS BANGET!

Pada kesempatan mendatang saya insyaAlloh akan membahas masalah HAM, yang jadi satu paket dengan demokrasi.


A. Ralph Epperson, THE UNSEEN HAND
Syaikh Abu Muhammad ‘Ashim al Maqdisi, AGAMA DEMOKRASI
Syaikh Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Manshur al-‘Udaini, MEMBONGKAR KEDOK AL QARADHAWI
Dan sumber-sumber lain yang maaf saya kurang cermat dokumentasinya

Ditambahkan pada 06 Desember 2008: Kata munafik saya ganti menjadi hipokrit (lihat kata hipokrit yang berwarna merah diatas) karena koreksi dari kang Soelfan Terimakasih untuk kritiknya.


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